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Mizore (by Carlo Montie)
  • Fr. Can't even remember the name of the Manga but I remember her being best girl. Something about vampire Rosario or smthn

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    Even if we lose at least it's going to be funny
  • o7 but also what fukn copyright?

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    FUN FACT: knives predate bread
  • Still the egg came first. We talking about evolution right. So a pronto chicken which resembled a chicken slightly layed an egg which hatched a mutated proto chicken which is closer to our chickens. So the egg game first every single time since it's the "birth" of the newer genetic material

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    17% of the US's Infrastructure & Jobs Act goes to transit. 67% goes to conventional highway programs
  • Bikes even if not packed as closely massively decrease the total volume. Even if they were all riding all after one another on a bike lane it would be miles shorter than cars on a road.

    And as for the bus... I have been on busses that full. You clearly have not travelled peak hour traffic on a busy route. Just look at any Japanese or Indian train to see how space efficient they are able to transport petiole

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    17% of the US's Infrastructure & Jobs Act goes to transit. 67% goes to conventional highway programs
  • Democracy is. Capitalism isn't. And honestly people aren't either. I can trust any one person but I cannot trust all the people. But any other system other than democracy is bound to fail its people in one way or another. Haven't heard of a functional technocracy surviving very long but it may be the only viable alternative

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    What was "the incident" at your work place?
  • Our repo is old as time. Carried through from SourceSafe to TFS to Git

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    What was "the incident" at your work place?
  • They were using SourceSafe back then. But any source control that isnt decentralised has the same problem. If the central server gets deleted so does all history

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    What was "the incident" at your work place?
  • Software company before git. The source server corrupted and the product code was lost. 5 guys had to get together and figure out the latest version between them (everybody had different changesets) and produce a new "current" version. At the end we lost all history prior and ever since all changes prior to 2008 have been attributed to 1 guy.

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    Detailed Error Messages
  • Hoh man what a journey. And I love that this incredibly complex situation is the only reason that status would return. What a fun time debugging that would have been

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    A cool guide to Epicurean paradox
  • Well sure. You could argue that evil is subjective. But even so we could just go with gods definition of "evil" things and use the 10 commandments as what he deems good or bad. In which case he created a world in which people will do the things he told them not to (same with the Apple) which makes him either not good or not all powerful.

    Personally God becomes a lot more palettable when he is a non all powerful and non all knowing higher dimensional being that just created us and can't be fucked dealing with this problem he created. Like avoiding cleaning the dishes in the sink.

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    Blursed Bot
  • This has to be my favourite new trend

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    Lab coat rule
  • My personal #1. Well worth a watch

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    About plans to put ads on
  • This is a hard no. The argument is litterally "I would make so much money. I won't have to search for a job". That is a shit argument to make and degrading the user experience for personal gain is selfish. Also consider that those ads also track the ip's which means you aren't just showing users ads but also letting companies track them

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    Live: Cyber security company CrowdStrike linked to global IT outage
  • CrowdsStrike + Microsoft is one hell of a drug.

    CrowdsStrike's marketing is spot on though

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    Cursed wretched marketing
  • Top comment explains it. It's because of the cyan that it looks red. It's the complementary primary color

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    Cursed wretched marketing
  • This is a screenshot of it zoomed in...

    You tell me if the white looks warm

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    Who is a character you feel is overhated and despised too much ?
  • My personal theory is that jar jar is not a sith but rather a domestic terrorist that is really good at making it look like an accident

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    True story.
  • XKCD single-handedly saving an entire population
