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Anybody figure out restore purchases from Google Playstore?
  • This did it! Thanks so much. On my end I didn't see an error, but instead of "purchase" it said "restore". Guess the other restore option under settings isn't playing well with the play store right now?

    Thanks again!

  • Switched phones and upgraded Android OS. Same Google account, released purchase from old phone, uninstalled from old phone. Still no luck. It's been a couple of weeks. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!



    Seems if you go to purchase it again through the app you'll find a restore instead of purchase available. Seems restore under settings is having issues. Best of luck.


    If I find a community I don't want to see in my feed, I add it to the filtered community list, refresh, and it'll reappear along with others on the list. Anyone else having this issue? Read in another post about filtering users, you'd have to add the entire domain.

    What band, artist, or song do you enjoy listening to that is widely disliked?
  • Worked with Billy about a year ago on his wrestling program.

    I heard him tell a small audience of people that he was, "Rock n' Roll."

    The context was in regards to covid protocols, something like "I'm Rock n' Roll and all, but we've gotta do what the facility says..."

    Not the worst in context I suppose, but I just couldn't get past, "I'm Rock n' Roll", falling out of his mouth.

  • Jump
    What is an extremely dangerous thing that we use daily?
  • Not if you're under 24, and in the good ole US of A, it would seem. Even in the graph above, urban areas are more likely to result in gun violence than automotive injury.
