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Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio)
  • Thank you, this is the kind of info I was looking for. If county/district mattered. So all of Ohio is Talley'd up and all votes from the whole state are in the same pool?

  • There is literally 0 chance the area I live in will be blue. Does me going out and voting actually do anything besides add to the popular vote tally?

    How bad is Microsoft?
  • If you have been on lemmy for any amount of time, "Microsoft bad" is posted almost daily. I'm not disagreeing, yes they are bad. It's super circle jerky to post a whole thread literally asking something that is posted in comments/other posts literally daily. It's fine I just find it funny lol

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    What adventure games do you recommend?
  • He surely meant "Outer Wilds" based on his description. Fantastic and memorable game that will make you sad reminiscing your playthrough. Go in completely blind
