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I'm trying to branch out but somehow I always end up on the same two branches.


Our DM is ready to kill our monk. If he can find any damage the monk can't dodge, reduce, or straight up ignore.


The DM's description of the damage was "You still have enough bones to keep most things in place."

Which GM-dere are you?
  • Speaking as a player (most of the time) I love making things worse for my poor character. And I send my evilest ideas to my DM. Who then makes them heartachingly worse. It's great.

  • If this posts twice, my apologies, it was loading super slow and I tried to upload again. If not, do me a favor and disregard this message. Didn't happen.

    New adventuring party just dropped
  • I made an adventure for this based on the Tiny D6 Pirates system. They were in 1820s or so San Francisco so we've got robber barons, Emperor Norton, and all sorts of weird stuff thrown in. You can also have fun with cholera epidemics and floods and gold rushes.

  • I kind of want to get a friend to just sit in a game store and find a game to troll with this.


    But I suppose the truly insane could stack starting with the d4.

    I believe the term is "get rekt noob"
  • Lower level and a high-level NPC bard gave the inspiration. Unsure whether he gave it to the NPC I was up against; if so, the guy flubbed that roll too.

  • The place was full of mimics.


    My rogue uses her performer persona while traveling. Innkeepers love her.

    Noticed something on a rewatch
  • Hm. Re-watching (scene inside the wagon starts about 1:27:00) and yeah, as she's swinging in and we see the floor from a different angle, they are flat. But at least one of them in this pic looks like a d6 with pips.

    Missed opportunity here, movie folks :D

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    Hey, it fits the brief...
  • "Look, I'm sorry, I just had to check whether a stake through the heart would kill him. It didn't really occur to me that it would kill normal people too." ;)

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    Tales From the Tables episode 35: Echoes of the Past, part 2
  • First off the development of that backstory is beautiful.

    Also my rogue lost all her dignity to a mimic recently. 2 mimics. I shot the second one and tried to hide from it on a bookshelf but it frog-tongued me. Also lost almost all my hit points.

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    Worse than legos
  • I suppose the correct pedantic way to say it is "Lego bricks" even in the plural. But brevity in titles is a thing I strive for. Less so in the comments section. Also marbles. Marbles feel surprisingly sharp for spheres when stepped upon.

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    It's getting out of hand.
  • We've tried some Roll20 and even a mix of in-person with someone zooming in (which we're gonna have to do again) but the commute is worth it for the in-person to me. Then again we host so it's no commute off my nose. Just set up and clean up.

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    Good thing my -2 strength will help me escape!
  • I did check! It went something like: Me: Before I go further into this room, I'm backing up to the wall and shooting everything to see if any of it bleeds. Party: You sure you're not going to get eaten by the wall? Me: ...well if the wall is a mimic I'm already dead.

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    Good times...I think
  • Eh, I'd definitely say it's not a "don't ever do this" scenario. For player agency matters- if luck had been on our side (if I'd rolled a longer fuse, if we'd coordinated better, if I'd gone down instead of up first) then yeah, we could have diffused them. Regardless, I think it works for the story. First off, it's something I gave myself in my backstory, not something I earned in-game. Secondly, I acknowledged that having this bar to defend was reducing my character's desire to go after the main story line (so I shouldn't have been surprised ;) ). Third, this is intended as a short campaign so I think bigger character's-life-changing events are reasonable if not even expected. And most importantly of course, I trust my DM to make a good story, and he trusts me to help move the story forward in interesting ways. (despite what I said about defending the bar, I can find character reasons to move forward if I need to and have in the past.)
