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Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 10th
  • Almost finished BG3 (at almost 100 hours on this playthrough), then planning to start Starfield!

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    The Grotto - Fantasy Environment Art made with Blender and Photoshop
  • Thank you!

    Keep practicing, I’m still pretty new and learning myself, but setting aside a bit of time for it a few times a week has helped me improve really quickly.

  • Been playing a lot of Baldur’s Gate this week and it really got me in the mood to make something a bit more fantasy-oriented!

    Arrival - Rainy Spaceship Hangar made in Blender and Photoshop
  • Thanks!

    Most of the post processing was photoshop. The only elements “added” in PS were the water dripping off of the ship (thought about doing this with a particle system but for a still image that seemed like way too much effort), and then I put a little smoke and fog above the ground to give it some depth. Some basic contrast and colour-adjustments aside everything else was blender. I’ve tried doing more of the post processing with the compositor before but honestly I think photoshop yields a better result faster.

  • A dark Sci-Fi scene made in Blender and Photoshop. I generated the silhouette of the running woman using DALL.E and then cleaned it up in Photoshop - much easier than drawing the silhouette, Googling for ages to find the right image, or just posing a character in the scene, which would have also been slower and more intensive when rendering.

    Pretty happy with this one!

    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Good luck, you got this!

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    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Been another week of pointless stressful bullshit at work for me, which eats into my real life outside of work more than I'd like. That being said, making some progress on finding a therapist (a surprisingly difficult process it seems) and also a driving instructor -- almost made it to 30 without learning to drive, but the time is now!

    Also starting the process of ditching music streaming in favour of Bandcamp, which has been fun. Been feeling some real nostalgia for the old days of buying tracks off iTunes!

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    is there a "bi culture"?
  • Loved the first article, as a relatively recently out bi man, it’s always nice when I read something else that makes me feel seen, y’know?

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    bi+ people, what label do you feel fits most
  • I’m only relatively recently out, and still feeling out what label works best for me, but I like bi, it feels right. And it’s the nicest flag so 🤷‍♂️

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    What are you superstitious about?
  • I absolutely relate to this - I worry my stopping to let people pass so I don’t have to walk on grates makes me look totally unhinged

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    What are you superstitious about?
  • I do this and I don’t even have a reason like you do.

    I think it’s just become so ingrained in me now that it’s not even a conscious choice 😅

  • I’ve been learning Blender the last few months and I’m finally getting to a point where I can make the dark and moody Sci-Fi art that’s in my head!

    Casual game recommendations?
  • Dorfromantik is a very chill puzzle game that runs great on Steam Deck if that’s your thing, a favourite of mine while the TV is going in the background.

    If you’re into factory games I 1000% recommend Shapez, which is a shape-building game that doesn’t have the notion of grinding or currency or running out of resources. It’s immensely satisfying when you get the perfect mechanism together and you’re churning out shapes. Definitely one for mouse and keyboard though.
