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  • Yep. I've been told a bunch of stuff like this because I'm chronically ill. My lack of faith in something that has no proof is not why my incurable illness has not been cured.

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    The horror
  • Then I'm not sure what you point was supposed to be. If lifesaving surgery is mutilation then mutilation isn't inherently a bad thing and isn't an argument against gender affirming surgery.

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    The horror
  • "I don't have any idea how transitioning works so I'm gonna cry about it" There, fixed your comment for you

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    Book Giveaway Contest
  • Wow, my brain just looked at those guidelines and went "yes, those are all words, no, I will not read them", so here I am leaving a comment.

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    I think I just attacked myself
  • Yep. Like "You could achieve so much if only you put in a little effort". 🗡️😵 Thanks for noticing how much effort I put in, I'll be sure to try again in the future.

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    Atheist Morals
  • Yep. I had someone "explain" to me that the only reason I had morals was that I was a good god fearing Christian. Because they couldn't fathom the idea that someone could treat others well and not want to harm anyone without fearing god. When I said I'm an atheist they absolutely refused to believe me. Like they walked away from the conversation convinced I am Christian solely because I'd never killed anyone.

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    Atheist Morals
  • Bingo. Like I don't need the threat of eternal punishment to not hurt people. I don't hurt people because it's wrong.

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  • only ever had one that tried to sneak around.

    Oh, so you do understand that some cats try to sneak around, but decided to be judgemental about something you have experience with.

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    Christian conservatives be like:
  • Yep, hypocrisy is great ain't it? I've had people tell me that being LGBT is a religion and therefore it shouldn't be allowed to be taught to children, and then in the same paragraph say that all kids should be raised Christian. I've also had people tell me I was too young to know in my mid 20s that I wanted a hysterectomy, but then turn around and defend circumcision. Here's the thing though, while yes, I did want a hysterectomy, it was done for medical necessity. In a two sentence comment someone defended newborn circumcision, and then told me my doc should be in jail "for mutilating the genitals of a child". Because apparently people in their 20s are children.

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    Christian conservatives be like:
  • Yep. Like literally. I had a "bedtime Bible stories for kids" book. Nothing like a nice story about planet wide genocide to help your kid fall asleep.

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    This tiny maneuver is going to cost us a day's worth of productivity
  • Yep, like just like everything else, not everything works for everyone. I've been awake for 26+ hours to the point I'm hallucinating and still unable to fall asleep. But apparently I just have to wait till I'm tired enough. As if being awake for 26 hours straight isn't enough? I also can generally make it so I can be awake at the right time if left to my own devices. Which is why I'm really glad I'm out of my parents house, because they would decide "you've been sleeping long enough" and wake me up an hour after I fell asleep.

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  • Yep, it's just practice, lots and lots of practice. I did it while making eggs- if I did it right I fried them, if I broke the yokes scrambled eggs it is. I was taught by an actual chef in culinary camp, but it took me awhile to actually get the technique down. I can one hand crack, but only if I don't care about the yoke staying together.
