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Linux surpasses the Mac among Steam gamers
  • I asked someone who is more familiar with Apple. The thing is you can use it to play. But, the license is for testing games or something similar. I don't remember the exact wording but it's not intended for the end user, but devs. So, Apple might crack down on some people using the porting tool kit to play games. They might not, but it remains a possibility.

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    Distrobox is such a cool utility! Tried it out today and don't see myself switching distros now for a long time :)
  • Yeah, back in 2022 I installed distrobox on Fedora and was like yeah I'm not switching. Then, I switched to Arch for the AUR. I was scared cus of issues I had on Manjaro, but vanilla Arch is better.

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    The "Final Season" of Attack on Titan is getting funny.
  • There aren't large discrepancies from what I remember, but they removed some stuff. Off the top of my head, for example, the 1st day Reiner invasion flashback is much longer in the manga from what I remember. The anime cut some stuff (I think some of Annie's involvement, in the anime they make it seem like she was chocked out, but iirc it wasn't the case in the manga)
