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Climate Change Will Not Spare the Rich
  • From a global perspective, the average middle class or even working class American who drives everywhere in an SUV, eats huge portions of meat products at wasteful restaurants, and generally consumes ten times as much as the average person is part of the rich. And yes, we deserve it.

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    Europe saved its predators from the brink of extinction. So why is it killing thousands of bears, wolves and lynx?
  • Or they just keep quiet and lie and do whatever they want. Hard to prove guilt in the sticks if there isn't a game warden nearby.

    Here's an anecdote from an American outdoors industry leader where he admits he doesn't give a shit about conservation laws and admits to seeking out and killing at least one bear, against the advice of fish and wildlife, because he deemed it to be dangerous.

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    Top takeaways from the Harris-Trump debate.
  • For those of us at home, Project 2025 describes invoking the Insurrection Act to deputize the National Guard of red states and using them to enforce immigration law in blue states.

    Soldiers, kicking in doors looking for illegal immigrants, in a dire conflict of Federal vs State authority that hasnt been seen since desegregation. I wish Harris brought this up.

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    America’s 3D Printed Gun Problem Is Getting Worse and Spreading to the World
  • In typical American legal parlance a "machine gun" is any firearm that fires more than one round per trigger pull, so it's more or less correct.

    I would say it is a problem when criminals have a way to magdump a police cruiser in literally under a second with a concealable weapon.

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    Trial begins over Texas ‘Trump Train’ highway confrontation
  • A prior lawsuit filed over the “Trump Train” alleged the San Marcos Police Department violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by failing to send a police report after multiple 911 calls were made and a bus rider said his life was threatened. It accused officers of privately laughing and joking about the emergency calls. San Marcos settled the lawsuit in 2023 for $175,000 and a requirement that law enforcement get training on responding to political violence.

    In case you were still wondering what side the police are on, and whether you could count on their help if these people came after you.

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    How NATO weapons are fueling violence in India: The shady path from Europe to terrorists
  • "Made for NATO Army"

    No military issue weapon is marked like this. Some idiot with a laser engraver had a little side project, possibly to inflate the value of the gun.

    I imagine a lot of the Western arms flowing around that part of the globe right now come from Afghanistan and the US's chaotic retreat.

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    8-year-old Utah boy dies after shooting himself in car while mother was inside store
  • I know you mean well, but really you have an unorthodox opinion that the vast majority of users, civilian, professional, even at the organizational level, disagree with.

    If you're relying on a mechanical safety on the firearm itself to prevent tragedy, you're already screwed. Kids can bypass that stuff with enough fiddling. They just make the firearm more complicated to use, which can paradoxically create more mistakes in some instances, especially under pressure. Nothing replaces responsible handling.

    I predominantly shoot Beretta 92 pistols. Traditional double action, comes with a manual safety/decocker from the factory. On the one I shoot the most, I purchased a kit from Beretta that disables the safety to make it only a decocker. It doesn't make the pistol less safe, it is a dangerous weapon either way. It just simplifies it.

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    Kamala Harris to propose up to $50,000 tax deduction for new small businesses
  • Starting your own business should not be the best or only vehicle to prosperity. You should be able to make a comfortable living working a normal job that doesn't break you.

    Failure rate of small business is high, and you can't blame all of that on lack of startup capital. Bad concept, bad execution, bad location, etc. could all play into it. The taxpayer should not be obliged to keep a "quirky" store running if it doesn't bring in customers. Throwing good money after bad isn't going to bring prosperity to anyone in the end.

    Not to mention that they compete with each other, not just the megacorps. I'm pretty sure there are half a dozen hair salons on our main street alone, and most of them sit empty at any given time, endlessly changing hands. Incentivizing startups will only make competition more fierce, so a few more winners but much more losers.

    We don't need more restaurants giving the community more below minimum wage jobs that can't be filled. We need that money helping everyone, with rent or groceries or something, so that they can actually have money to spend at the small businesses that exist.

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    Kamala Harris to propose up to $50,000 tax deduction for new small businesses
  • My [likely ignorant] take is that we need better incentives for workers, renters, and first-time homeowners, not MBA shysters "entrepreneurs" creating "new businesses" dropshipping imported garbage and other ventures that add little value to society.

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    Austrian surgeon 'let teenage daughter drill hole in patient's skull'
  • My understanding is that the drill is fixtured in position in procedures as delicate as this, so that it really can't move and drill anywhere except where it needs to. Likely why Dad thought (wrongly) that it was harmless.

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    The US is not a credible ceasefire mediator, but a genocide partner
  • The US being the bad guys in the Korean conflict is an interesting take that I wouldn't expect anyone outside of lemmygrad to espouse, care to elaborate?

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    Historic Gun Suit Survives Serious Legal Threat Engineered by Indiana Republicans
  • I think with these kinds of suits the core conceit is that gun manufacturing/sales is a sordid, immoral business along the lines of cigarettes, and that the very existence of a consumer market for their product implies their misuse and negative impact on society. Therefore, they should bear more responsibility for that impact.

    They were emboldened by the suit against Bushmaster/Remington that succeeded and ultimately bankrupted Freedom Group.

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    Rwanda's President Kagame sworn in to extend lengthy tenure
  • One, it does give some room to dismiss accusations, even if just rhetorically.

    Two, when you are able to coerce your subjects to say the sky is green, the sun sets in the East, and Dear Leader won the election, its an exercise of power over them. It feeds the ego and it becomes a litmus test for the disloyal.

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    Just tryna be human out here sucks
  • Understand that some or most of the key posters there are literally pawns of Russian or Chinese intelligence. Troll farms, wumao, what have you. Whether they are literally government employees or contracted through a third party, their purpose is to astroturf positive optics of their employer and negative optics of the US/the West as a whole. A more sinister interpretation, they are trying to destabilize the West by doing things like trashing Biden, now Harris, hoping to secure a chaotic and inwardly destructive Trump presidency.

    Anything they say is to service these goals, anything they believe is mutable to these goals, and nothing they argue is in good faith.

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    Harris Doesn’t Support Arms Embargo on Israel, a Top Adviser Says
  • Ignoring that sexist trash in the beginning, AIPAC doesn't just reward compliant behavior from politicians, they also use the same vast resources to relentlessly punish dissent on their pet issues. Being an anti-Israel candidate is suicide with them around. They are a hundred pound weight on the scales of our political machine.

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    How children of freed spies learned they were Russian on flight to Moscow
  • It probably was fake. I'd imagine the people who are selected for these assignments are borderline or complete sociopaths who don't have problems putting their mission above their entanglements.

    If these kids are old enough to have any sense they aught to flee the first chance they get.
