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Windows 11 now shows a full-screen pop-up to use OneDrive and protect your PC
  • Does Pro not do this type of shit? I can't really remember when I saw onedrive after my initial deactivation and uninstall spree on my machine...

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    What are some good software suggestions for windows?
  • No, sorry. Copyq ist available for Linux+windows, previously I used Comfort Clipboard Pro on windows only.

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    What are some good software suggestions for windows?
  • Copyq clipboard manager

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    Why does every REST testing software want me to login?
  • Intellijs build in HTTP client is good enough for me to use it for my testing purposes and even for short one-off thing I previously might've done with curl.

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    Firefox to collect your (anonymized) search data
  • First thing I do on every Firefox installation on every device. 3 clicks and most of this nonsense stops.

    I'd appreciate Mozilla not doing something like that in the first place, maybe don't try to build products and focus on the browser. 🤷‍♂️

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    Warum fühlen sich Distanzen mit dem Rad so unterschiedlich an (Land/ Stadt)?
  • Wieso free solo klettern, wenn man auch kurz einkaufen fahren kann?

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    First cuts on the mainline
  • I'm new to all of this, so can someone explain the reasoning here? Cut the plants back to make them grow more stems or produce more in the stems that are left on?

    I already know about the practice to pinch of the main stem to make them grow more which if I understood correctly gives more to harvest. Is this similar?

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    What are your programming hot takes?
  • And it will change next week anyway. 😁

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    What are your programming hot takes?
  • Sure try to replace the one or two people that hold the whole team together. I've seen it a couple times, a good team disintegrates right after one or two key people leave.

    Also, if you replace half the team, prepare for some major learning time whenever the next change is being made. Or after the next deployment. 🤷‍♂️

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    Is it too late to get involved?
  • Just play. Level is just a way to unlock equipment anyway. If you unlock stratagems, play them for a couple rounds and then you're leveled up anyway and can switch to the next after unlock.

    Doesn't really matter, just go in and spread democracy! Do your part!

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    Germany legalises possession of cannabis for personal use
  • The German legislation focuses on private growing, there will not be any shops where you can just go and buy weed. There are no taxes to earn (yet).

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    Do you think it is ethical to work for a company that builds drones, weaponry, or supplies parts to the military?
  • No, I blacklisted the whole industry and will not take any job there.

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    Do you think it is ethical to work for a company that builds drones, weaponry, or supplies parts to the military?
  • I started in defense, but I would now after 15+ years not do any work in defense or gambling or trading. It was a good experience for me though, taught me a lot, but I wouldn't do it again now.

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    Why are people so antsy to see others in person?
  • I got to say, this is only true if interaction is actually better in person. For me I'm not sure that is the case. I also do not participate in all social calls that my company set up, but I am always available for 1v1 video calls with my colleagues.

    I was at the office 3 times last year and that is plenty enough for me and my team.

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    Do you sit at a desk and keyboard for multiple hours? If yes, please recommend a good chair.
  • I'd suggest spending money on an adjustable standing desk and get regilar (as in off the shelf, not crappy) office chair not something super fancy. Being able to switch from sitting to standing a lot is more beneficial than a good chair.

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    Music Piracy Is Back, Baby
  • But it is a good example of inconvenience. One day they decided well, we're closing shop. And that made it pretty clear for users that they didn't own the music.

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    Fortune Teller
  • Oh, I forgot one thing:

    sorry, but it wasn't you who did it.

    This sounds like you want to prove something. That you can do it better than the maintainers of the library. That you can solve hard problems on your own instead of relying on other people.

    That's all great and sometimes it's good to do hard things on your own and make sure you could do it just in case. But it's not always necessary to do everything yourself and learn every lesson yourself. It's a valid way to build on knowledge and work of others to achieve your goals.

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    Fortune Teller
  • This assumes that I could implement something as well as the maintainers of the library I use. I agree that something trivially should be implemented on your own, but if there is special knowledge required (the obvious example is cryptography, but also something like HTTP requests) I rather rely on a widely used library than my own code that I now have to maintain and check for security issues instead of just updating the dependency version whenever a CVE is published.

    Also if there is. A client by an API provider for my language, why shouldn't I use it instead of rolling my own?

    Another example is a framework like React or Angular or Svelte, which brings along a whole lot of dependencies. Sure, I could not use something like that and write everything from scratch.

    But where is the value of all that code to customers? If I want to roll my own HTTP server up from the sockets, I can do that as a play project. But not using libraries for a real world project to solve business needs is a bit of an odd take.

    Anyways, that's enough of a rant. Have fun in the replies. 😎

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    Any Interesting (**Not** Disturbing) Podcasts?
  • I listened to the Tim Ferris Show a lot. These days I only listen to guests interesting to me.
