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Just read Project Hail Mary
  • Yeah, I wouldn’t say I hated it, but maybe it was just hyped up too much and I expected more. I don’t mind the sciencey stuff if it fits in with a good story, but I just wasn’t that interested in the story in The Martian. Project Hail Mary does sound like it’s more intriguing, I guess I should just read it and find out for myself.

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    Just read Project Hail Mary
  • I didn’t connect with the character very much, and as much as I appreciated the realistic hard sci fi approach, I just didn’t find it interesting to read from a story standpoint. Sometimes it felt like I was reading a science textbook instead of a compelling narrative.

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    Just read Project Hail Mary
  • I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I did not like The Martian at all. I’ve seen so many people say they love Project Hail Mary and that it got them out of their reading slumps and you have to read it. Do you think there’s a chance I’d like this one even though I did not like The Martian? I want to give it a chance because so many people whose opinions I trust seem to really like it, but idk, maybe Weir just isn’t for me.

  • I don’t understand it, but I respect it.
