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Yes, I totally can afford this product and will consider purchasing it
  • deep sigh

    I mean, it's good, but...

    I'm just not sure I have room in my life for a new chip flavor right now.

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    Awooooo to my ADHD sisters :)
  • Thank you! That perfectly describes the "time blindness" problem I've been noticing more and more lately. There's always been a descrepancy between what I think is a normal time between contact and what others think. I'll happily move on to my day-to-day life and then contact a friend a month or two later and they'll feel resentment because of the time. Honestly I hadn't even noticed it, certainly wasn't intentional or meant to hurt.

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    Experiences of criticism in adults with ADHD: Inattentive behaviors are the most criticized followed by impulsivity in social settings
  • I am consumed with the feeling that I'm not good enough.

    That resonates with me so much. Whether I want to admit that or not, it's definitely always there, making me doubt myself and what I can achieve.

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    Asking a girl out for comic book store date?
  • Yeah I think it's a good idea, meeting in a public space would make her feel more comfortable, and maybe if things go well you can head to a coffee shop later.

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    Just wanted to say a quick hello to all the other women out there on Lemmy
  • Hello back! 😊 sorry I'm a day late. I did have to work yesterday but at least it wasn't a terrible work day, so I'll take it. I did the same on Reddit with not outwardly saying I'm a woman for obvious reasons, but I've had the same great experience on here so far. Happy to see the positivity is shared for others too!

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    ADHD Women Check-In Mar 3-9: How Are You Doing?
  • Oh that's really interesting, I'll have to give that a try. I am thinking it would pair well with mindfulness meditation

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    ADHD Women Weekly Check-in for Feb 4-10: How Are You Doing?
  • So far it's been a tough week just trying to keep my head above water with work. I feel confident that I'm making progress on the projects I'm working on. I just feel overwhelmed trying to focus on one task or project at a time, so I have to fight the urge to react by doing nothing and just pick one at a time. On the plus side we have plans for Valentine's day that I'm getting excited about!
