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Search Engine Privacy
  • Yes, exactly, thank you.

    Different search engines will "censor" different results to bring you whatever is, in their opinion, the most relevant information to your inquiry. That's their job. To sort the nonsense from the relevant info.

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    The Pixel Tablet is a reminder that not every tablet needs to be a computer
  • Microsoft had the right idea with tablet mode in Windows 8. Just poor execution.

    This will never come to Apple, because if your iPad could replace your Mac, you wouldn't buy both, as many people do.

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    Mastadon Server
  • Your information will be stored on the server you choose.

    It really doesn't matter which one you choose, just choose one. It doesn't matter which one.

    The difference is Mastodon will not store anymore information than you explicitly give it. It's not going to mine your location data, it's not going to ask for your contacts to add to a database and profile people. It's not going to track your activity across the web and use your activity to serve you ads. There are no ads, so there is no incentive.

    Even if your Mastodon server host WANTED to track all of your information like Meta or other centralized services do, they couldn't afford to.

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    what is the least invasive activity/gym tracker?
  • How in the world do you figure Apple hasn't earned their reputation for planned obsolescence when they serialize every part in the device, don't allow for 3rd party repairs, constantly refuse to repair devices, constantly make them harder to repair, don't make absolutely any repair documentation available, sue the people who find said documentation and make it available, and send ICE to raid businesses who are able to actually get their hands on replacement parts?
