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The real culprit behind all fascist movements
  • Seize who’s assets exactly?

    Rich people's

    The second you draw a line and say anyone on the other side has fewer rights than you

    Nah, just do it against rich people.

    There is no way to define a law against “right-wingers” that doesn’t infringe on basic rights like freedom of opinion and freedom from discrimination. You can’t punish people for being part of a group. You need to point to something specific that each individual has done that is illegal before prosecuting. Anything less and society will break down into fascism.

    Fuck this fake democracy then.

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    The real culprit behind all fascist movements
  • Nah, it is. Seize all their assets and if they complain, again, some Pinochet-style methods that will bend them to our knees.

    Sorry, patience is over and right-wingers and their financiers must be dealt with the appropriate way.

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    The real culprit behind all fascist movements
  • Solution to the problem: ban right-wingers, impose socialism and if rich people get too noisy send secret services to deal with them Pinochet-style. Bam, capitalism defeated in a few years.

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    Chat control is back on track.... again
  • Yaddayaddayadda Rwanda yaddayaddayadda Bosnia, heard these bullshit excuses 1000 times. Not Rwandan or Yugoslavian therefore don't care.

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    Chat control is back on track.... again
  • Fair answer. My point is that my frustration with the modern world is absolute and shit like this doesn't help, and I see whatever problems there might have been back then as irrelevant in comparison.

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    Chat control is back on track.... again
  • Yuuup. Sorry, whenever I complained about climate change on Reddit I was just shrugged with "oh well, too late, you'll die", "muh China/India/feedback loops", "just move North". So, they give me back the climate, the economy and the freedom of the 80s and then I'll care again.

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    Chat control is back on track.... again
  • Again, no climate crisis + no mass surveillance + cheaper housing = do not give a shit. Were it for me, 70s, 80s and 90s on a loop forever. You lose something from the loop? Tough shit, your problem, not mine.

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    Chat control is back on track.... again
  • It still was a better time. No climate collapse, no mass surveillance, no Trump, no AI, pretty much nothing of this shit existed.

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    German elections: Far-right AfD on brink of political earthquake
  • Not gay, black or woman so I really don't care, want that prosperity back. Also no crazy weather + snow in winter + not-scorching-hot summers + no Chat Control = 80s and 90s good, 2020s bad.

    Also, you're making it sound like women in the 90s were stoned Afghanistan-style for wearing skirts.
