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Japan, just Japan
  • Trumpism

    But do they support literally any other of our war criminal presidents? Why do you all act like America was somehow a force for good and not terror before Trump was elected?

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    German Chancellor Scholz speaks out against new nuclear power
  • Hydroelectricity

    Destroys aquaculture. TVA has absolutely killed those rivers, and there is no way to sugar coat that.

    Geothermal can't be used in most places (but should absolutely be used where it can be)

    Biomass is just burning shit all over again (thought that was the point of not burning coal).

    I'm also skeptical of the pivot from using renewables as a decentralized solution and then touting a massive grid which requires lots of infrastructure. Unless your problem with centralization is targetability by bombing.

    I've not heard much about compressed air as an energy storage medium, or thermal storage besides from using solar arrays to reflect light and melt a metal core (like Gemasolar which is another centralized solution), but I've heard nothing good about hydrogen except from breathless techbro types.

    Meanwhile Nuclear is a mature technology now, absolutely a less dangerous solution than coal (even without looking a climate change knock-on effects, just looking at the effects coal dust has on populations near coal-fired plants), and can be used to meet the base-load of a local grid with various renewable solutions used to meet peak load demands.

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    German Chancellor Scholz speaks out against new nuclear power
  • How do we deal with balancing the uneven load renewables produce in places where pumped hydro isn't an option for power storage? I.e. lowland areas. Here in the southeastern US, night almost always means no wind as well as the obvious no sun. Chemical batteries, afaik, aren't a sustainable solution ATM.

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    The Radical Plan to Save the Planet by Working Less: The degrowth movement wants to shrink the economy to address climate change, and create lives with less stuff, less work, and better well-being.
  • Degrowth could definitely only be accomplished under a socialist model where we aren't price gouged for food and housing. A life with less work and less disposable crap sounds really fucking good though.

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    Hasn't happened yet
  • I'm disengaging.

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    Hasn't happened yet
  • Curious, as the person who you were originally responding to deleted their comment. Is that per year or a one time expenditure?

    Also, 36k is still literally 44-80% higher than your initial claim.

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    Hasn't happened yet
  • Data instead of anecdotes?

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    Hasn't happened yet
  • 1975 =/= 1980. Looks like housing went up 64% in those 5 years from the data I already linked.

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    Hasn't happened yet
  • That's an exaggeration. The median price for new construction in 1980 was $64,600. [1] As for existing housing stock, the median home value in 1980 was $47,200. [2] As housing prices are heavily right skewed, the prices of cheap housing is far closer to the median than the price of expensive housing. Based on a cursory overview of some charts, it seems like the bottom 20% of houses are no more that 30% cheaper than the median, putting them in the $30k range.

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    What is an absurdity that has been normalized by society?
  • Most Americans have less than $1000 in savings. Unless you live day trip distance from something most people won't ever see it.

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    US approves potential $500m sale of military equipment to Taiwan
  • Wait, they took their ball and went home and you're defending that as a show of legitimacy?

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    Remember me comrades!
  • I'm from hexbear, people are critical of it all the time on hexbear. You just can't criticize China and not know the people there are far better off than those in the US

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    What Do You Do With Large Amounts Of Money?
  • Omg this is the most redditor argument I've seen off reddit. No one likes a pedant.

    Also, they do state they would pay off their mortgage, so not only are you a pedant but also a wrong one at that.

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    What Do You Do With Large Amounts Of Money?
  • If you started with $100M, you definitely could buy yourself a house and car before donating the rest. Hell, you could buy it out of the $2M and still be better off than most folks.

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    What is the biggest lesson that employment has taught you?
  • Or less for less. I know a woman who is a manager of a dialysis clinic, as soon as she was making over 100k she started getting pushback from higher ups, having more oversight, and having her funds for extra services to patients / staff cut. It's clear they want her out even though she has the lowest mortality in the region, because they don't need more than beds filled (Medicaid pays) and legally required minimums to be met.

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    Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • As opposed to the corrupt oligarchies liberal states are.... I guess you just don't call it corruption when it's working as intended.

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    Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • This just made China's system click in my mind. Thanks Awoo

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    Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • Socialism is also an economic system.

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    What Do You Do With Large Amounts Of Money?
  • My partner worked in non-profits for years. Her advice is find local organizations (homeless shelters, local LGBT orgs, neighborhood revitalization orgs, ect.) that DO NOT have a national (central) office. Get to know their staff, their mission, and then make pledges to pay $X per month for the next X years. This is how they can best do the work they are passionate about to help people in need. Don't put strings on the money and you are moving closer to mutual aid than tyranny.
