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Curupira - mythological creature
  • You can see one in the Netflix series "Invisible city", plus another couple dozen Brazilian folklore demons. Highly recommendable btw

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    [Movie] I think Elysium is the best example of a cyberpunk movie that *doesn't* rely on the 80s aesthetic
  • I just watched it and totally agree. Not only the right aesthetic, but the central topics of the 21st century. Although I felt the political message was somewhat subdued in favor of the action. Really enjoyed it! Thanks for the recommendation.

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    What are your favorite FOSS to-do apps?
  • I've been using Joplin for awhile and am very happy with it. Sync via Dropbox, with tags to use it for GTD (getting things done) works like a charm!

  • Tesla gets jailbreak. Finality! Researchers jailbreak a Tesla to get free in-car feature upgrades | TechCrunch

    A group of researchers found a way to hack a Tesla's hardware with the goal of getting free in-car upgrades, such as heated rear seats.

    I own it, don't I?
