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Maryland's handgun licensing law has been struck down by a federal appeals court
  • It's my belief that the reason nobody has seriously tried to change the Constitution to remove or modify the 2nd amendment is that they know it's currently impossible. Changing the Constitution requires a serious amount of working together and agreement between the state and federal governments, and that just doesn't exist right now.

    That's why some states are trying to pass unconstitutional laws, it's easier to do that and get away with it at least for a little bit than it is to change the construction.

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    Maryland's handgun licensing law has been struck down by a federal appeals court
  • Voting isn't actually a constitutional right like owning firearms is. There are protections about equality when it comes to voting, but not much about voting itself. States are generally given the right to decide who can vote and how they vote.

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    Biden Campaign Starts Reminding America Why It Dumped Trump In The First Place
  • He has had some pretty bad senior moments, the worst one I can recall is the "Hey Jackie" one. In general he does talk pretty slow and just appears confused sometimes. He talks like he is really having to think about what he is saying, and that's not just him, he didn't use to be like that.

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    Biden Campaign Starts Reminding America Why It Dumped Trump In The First Place
  • Our medical care isn't limitless, there is only so much we can actually do. Look at how Biden has been progressing even with the best care in the world, he clearly isn't in the best shape and it's only going to get worse. It's entirely possible he gets worse fast and for there to be nothing that can be done about it even with the best care we can give him.

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    Biden Campaign Starts Reminding America Why It Dumped Trump In The First Place
  • Let it be based on the best person for the job. If that happens to be a black woman then fine, but the race and gender should not be a requirement at all. Saying that you will only choose a black woman is just as racist as sexist as saying you will only choose a white male.

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    Biden Campaign Starts Reminding America Why It Dumped Trump In The First Place
  • I think a lot of the left agree with you, and obviously the right hates her, probably more than Biden. I also feel like the far left has grown a lot lately, the fact that Bernie even won some states in primaries just shows how big the far left has become.

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    Biden Campaign Starts Reminding America Why It Dumped Trump In The First Place
  • I know he initially promised to pick a woman, but I'm pretty sure he changed that to black women, saying he has like 4 to choose from. Either way it's bad taste to make such an important decision openly based on race and gender.

    So we agree that nobody wants Harris as president? And that voting for Biden is how we might just end up with her as president?

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    Biden Campaign Starts Reminding America Why It Dumped Trump In The First Place
  • I personally don't see that happening. To make any real drastic changes on the destroying democracy level you would have to throw away the Constitution, and I really don't see that happening.

    We also have a pretty heavily armed society, so with anything that crazy I would expect some fight back from civilians and military against the government, and hopefully that's enough of a deterrent to not even try.

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    Biden Campaign Starts Reminding America Why It Dumped Trump In The First Place
  • I can really see this going either way if Biden stays with his decision to run. I know every year people complain about having two bad choices, but Biden V Trump round 2 has to be a record for the actual worst options possible.

    I think the issues with both Biden and Trump are fairly obvious, but another issue is that if Biden does win, there is a fairly good chance we will end up with a president Harris, probably the one person people like less than Biden as a democratic president. I think she lost so much credibility when Biden promised he would pick a black woman as a VP, basically cementing the idea that part of her qualifications for the role of VP was based purely on gender and race.

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    fair share?
  • It only bankrupts idiots like those on /r/wallstreetbets or those who put all their money into one stock. Yes the market may go down, and it may go down a lot, but that's not going to make you bankrupt unless you make extremely dumb choices.

    Luckily most retirement plans come with a target date fund, which is an easy way to diversify and get basically guaranteed gains.

    Also, it's the only retirement the middle class has, so you can't destroy it.

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    fair share?
  • Of course I know what hedge funds are, and that people manage them. It's all about actively buying and selling stocks, bonds, and options.

    You can call it a terrible retirement vehicle if you want, but it's literally how the middle class is able to retire. From 401k, to Roth IRA, to other much every other retirement account available to the middle class, it's based on stocks, and it's worked well for a ton of people.

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    fair share?
  • Why do you think stock has value? It's because it's a piece of ownership of the company. Yes it's a way for the company to get some capital, but it's also the way for private company owners to cash in on their company being successful.

    Why is being paid in ownership insane? It's directly tied to the performance of the company, if the company does well the stock does well, and it's incentive to drive the company in the right direction to reward employees of all levels with stock.

    It's insane to tax this ownership, it's not worth the amount it looks like. If an owner had to sell their stock, the stock value would plummet not only because of the huge uptick in supply of stock available to trade, but because the person running the company now has little to no stake in the success of the company.

    You know who this also screws over? All the middle class people trying to retire on their stock values going up. You tax wealth, stock values will plummet, and there goes the middle class retirement, no thanks!

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    fair share?
  • Most of the wealth these billionaires have is ownership in their own companies, to take away that ownership because it's worth too much according to the stock market is insane

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    fair share?
  • Nobody is actually suggesting income tax brackets here, they are suggesting taxing loans and taxing wealth. The things being suggested here have never been done, and yes they are radical because nobody had been crazy enough to implement these ideas ever in the whole history of the US.

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    fair share?
  • Thanks for finally admitting it!

    Just to tie this all up, say "Ok, bootlicker" again if you know I'm not one and you were just projecting your desires.

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    fair share?
  • I mean we are talking about a US issue, so yeah it does matter what the US thinks on US issues, and it really doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks.

    There aren't many countries out there who don't have a history of that stuff, I don't see why the issues of the past matter at all in this scenario.
