i wish i didn't have to see it honestly. i saw duck rape too many times and it's horrible every time.
didn't think i would be googling "peacock genitalia" today. anyway, you are right. i was confused because I know that ducks have penises, but as I just found out, ducks are actually an exception in the bird world. most birds just kind of rub their holes together. this is sometimes called "cloacal kiss", which is really funny.
firth, secoth, thirth
actually, all or nearly all peacocks have cocks. the ones that don't are peahens.
eigentlich nein

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upd. Als ich Ende Mai kündigte, überreichte ich ihnen einen Brief mit der Bitte, mich „zum nächstmöglichen Termin“ freizulassen. Könnte es sein, dass der nächste verfügbare Termin im Juni war?

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