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Larry Cheng on PPshow tonight along with Pulte!
  • Basically that was a huge waste of time, Pulte told us nothing and even hinted that we are fucked and should hire lawyers?? I am so confused as to why people think that show went well tonight. It could be that they have to say that until the plaintiff is switched to the Plan Administrator in RC's pump and dump case and we are clear to receive distribution(s). That's the only positive explanation I can think of. Otherwise, we really are screwed and possibly PP and crew are compromised and assisting Pulte and whoever else in turning the PP Show into a soundboard for their own causes and investments.

  • has gotten me thinking…. What does one do if one is prevented from taking legal action against these aggressive shills (due to living in a different country, or lack of funds to file a lawsuit, etc) and such defamatory comments online begin to cause harm to one’s reputation. Is there a way to have Google or other tech companies step in? I’ve heard that Google does nothing in such cases! Maybe there is a person who could help us PP’s who get targeted to remove this type of content from Google search results? Thoughts??


    Agreed, we need to forget about Reddit!
