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  • That was an awesome and concise list.

    Never though to use Portianer In That regard, feel a bit stupid now.

    I have tried noi X proxy manager but could only get 404 or single service working at a time.

  • As this is a new community hoping to continue the old. I thought I would take the opportunity to make some requests.

    I have an intel NUC as a server with

    • sonarr
    • radarr
    • prowlarr
    • transmission with vpn
    • jellyfin
    • daap
    • home assistant
    • organizr

    Wish list

    • some kind of dns resolution so I can access jellyfin.server.local
    • vpn to access server remotely with dynamic dns
    • some help with ansible so I can stop using my docker compose file manually.

    I have done some reading and in all honesty just haven’t had the drive to try for fear of breaking something that’s working ok.
