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When was the last time I changed the oil in my mower?
  • I only changed it once with the extra can I bought with the mower but never since. I'd imagine it easily costing somewhere around 20 to 30 euros a year so that'll pretty much cover a new mower every 10 years.

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    Is "retard" a slur?
  • I take slight issue with every demand to not use a specific word. I think the better advice here would be to simply suggest not calling people names to begin with. It's not what you call them that's the issue, but rather the intention to offend in the first place.

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    OpenAI releases o1, its first model with ‘reasoning’ abilities
  • That's a bit like taking issue with the terms jig, spinner, spoon, and fly, and saying you don't care what some random fishermen call them; to the rest of us, they’re just lures.

    AGI is a subcategory of AI. We've had AGI systems in science fiction for decades, but we’ve just been calling them AI, which isn’t wrong, but it’s an unspecific term. AI is broad and encompasses everything from predictive text input to AGI and beyond. Every AGI system is also AI, but not everything AI is generally intelligent. ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence) would be an even more specific term, referring to something that is not only artificial and generally intelligent but exceeds human intelligence.

    Artificial intelligence

    The ability of a computer or other machine to perform those activities that are normally thought to require intelligence.

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    Is "retard" a slur?
  • Dictionary definition for a slur is: an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo

    Calling someone a retard definitely aint a compliment and even when used jokingly among friends, the meaning of the word itself still remains the same. I think everyone agrees that the n-word is a slur too despite black people calling eachother that without the intention to offend and no offence being taken. By this definition, I'd say retard counts as a slur too.

    However, if someone takes issue with the word retard but doesn't mind the use of words moron, idiot or imbecille, then they're just being a hypocrite.

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    What's your favorite frugal find this week?
  • Theft is the secret incredient for why those fruits taste so good. I'm over 30 with my own fruits trees but I still take from other people's trees regularly.

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    What stands out the most about you?
  • I'm tall, fit, relatively handsome, somewhat charismatic and have good manners.

    Not necessarily how I see myself, but the stack of evidence to the contrary grows higher each day.

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    Life Feels Like an Endless Routine and I’m Struggling to Care Anymore
  • What do you do that feels meaningful to you? While hobbies may be enjoyable, they’re probably not the void in you that needs filling. Do you feel like you're part of something bigger? That you're making a difference or helping other people or society? I think this sense of meaning, or rather, the lack of it, is the key issue with our current generation, especially among young men.

    I used to feel the same way. I had a good-paying and stable job, but it felt like a complete waste of time, like I wasn’t actually accomplishing anything. I’d finish work on one building and then just start over with the next. No one ever told me I was doing a good job or that I was being useful. Then I started my own business, and although I'm essentially doing the same work, my attitude has completely changed. I went from working on industrial buildings to working in people’s homes. They call me when they have a problem, I show up, fix it, and I can see the visible satisfaction and gratitude on their faces. That gives me an immense sense of meaning. Like I’m actually doing my part, like people need me.

    What I often tell people like you is to grab a plastic bag and go out and fill it with trash. I guarantee you’ll feel great about yourself afterward. Picking trash is just a metaphor but also something you can actually go and do. Could be other similar thing as well. You can’t solve the world’s big problems alone, but you can still make a difference.

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    Am I the only one who is worried about short form video content, and how prevelant the alt-right pipeline seems to be on there?
  • I'm the same way. I'm still on twitter and there's no such content on my feed except for the occasional post that gets thru. I simply mute those accounts and if it was a retweet I either unfollow the user or turn of retweets from them. It's not like that's being forced down my throat. In my experience social media algorithms do listen to the users and when you tell it you're not interested in something it stops feeding you that.

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    Am I the only one who is worried about short form video content, and how prevelant the alt-right pipeline seems to be on there?
  • My hot take on this is that the algorithm is working as intended. I don't think there's a secret agenda behind it, and even if there was, it would likely skew left due to the nature of tech companies. The algorithm is simply trying to maximize engagement, and certain kinds of content do that better than others. People might feel like they're being served content they don't like, but I think they’re actually drawn to that content despite not liking. It’s like driving past a car wreck; you know it’s not good, and you might see something you wish you didn’t, but you still look.

    I actively block content from my feed using word filters. I’ve decided I no longer want to see posts about certain things, so I block them. However, every now and then, a post on one of these topics manages to evade my content filters. And what do I do? I click on it and make a comment, getting myself into hot water again. I know I shouldn’t, and I’ve even taken active steps to stop myself, but I still do.

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    OpenAI releases o1, its first model with ‘reasoning’ abilities
  • It is literally artificial intelligence though. Just because chatGPT doesn't perform as a layperson imagined it would, it doesn't mean it's not AI. They just have an unrealistic expectation of what counts as AI along with the common misconception of AI and AGI being the same thing.

    A chess playing robot uses artificial intelligence as well. It's a narrow AI, meaning it can do one thing really well but that doesn't translate to other things. AGI on the other hand stands for Artificial General Intelligence. Humans are an example of general intelligence meaning that we have the cognitive ability to perform well on several unrelated tasks.

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    It took 50,000 gallons of water to put out Tesla Semi fire in California, US agency says
  • I think your feelings toward Elon may be clouding your judgement here a bit. Putting out electric vehicle fire is hard, independent of the brand of the vehicle.

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    Not everyone needs to have an opinion on AI
  • But if you’re view is that you’re not actually adding anything, you’re just doing more of what already exists

    That's not my view.

    Okay, assume someone has. Is your art meaningless, then?

    No. That's my point. Art isn't dead.
