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Don't Be Afraid To Try The Original Fallouts
  • I’m replaying the first Fallout since the show release and as much as I love it the controls suck. I would like to see a remaster that fixes that. Graphics are fine to me though.

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    Silmarillion Reader's Guide
  • I have a version from the 80s that has a map and an appendix with all the names. I felt like that was enough for me. Whatever it takes though. My biggest recommendation to people is to just stick with it. The first part reads like the Bible or something but after that it becomes much easier.

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    Live Updates: Jury of 12 Is Seated in Trump Criminal Trial
  • If there is precedence for no prison time for this charge, which there is, then Trump won’t do any. Our justice system continues to show that they have no desire to hold him accountable.

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    Kennedy family to endorse Biden in Philadelphia in latest rebuke to RFK Jr.
  • This is beside the point that he is a complete dumbass but how does a man that wealthy look like a piece of tanned leather? You would think he could afford a better skin care routine.

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    They really want people to RTO
  • This has been 100% true for me. I started working from home at the beginning of the pandemic and haven’t gone back. I lost 45 pounds in the first year and have managed to keep it off since. It’s all because I can eat better by making my own meals at home.

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    Tennessee schools would have to out transgender students to parents under bill heading to governor
  • I’m confused. What would someone at school be able to verify that a parent couldn’t? Are they checking genitalia or something. The rights obsession with people’s private parts is getting real weird.
