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Oh so that's what its for rule
  • I'm sorry, but the example in your comment is nonstandard usage. The part after the semicolon would typically be an independent clause, whereas the "because" marks yours as a dependent clause.

    There are still comma-like uses though. The major one I can think of is as a separator in a list where each element is long, possibly containing commas of its own.

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    Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?
  • She was always far left, and that fact underpinned pretty much every older video. She has always talked about social and economic issues, and done a damn good job of it.

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    What is the greatest sin you've done in your life?
  • I'm not Christian, so I don't have a view on what interpretations are "correct." But if I might ask, how did you come to the conclusion that your interpretation is the right one?

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    What is the greatest sin you've done in your life?
  • In some Christianity. Many define it in terms of disobeying God, which can conflict pretty badly with the not-being-a-dick thing depending on interpretation

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    The rule of january 1st
  • My biggest caution about this test is how some questions ask about your beliefs about society and gender in general. Someone could be a cis woman through and through but also recognize that someone's gender can change over time, or dislike the gendering of a lot of things in society. I think it reads knowledgeable people who give a shit as being a little bit fluid and a little bit agender no matter what they actually experience of their own gender.

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    What is something you don't like, that you wish you did like? and why
  • There are specific learning disabilities around math. If you think your issue might be something fundamental about how your brain works, you should look into dyscalculia

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    2-clicks to install Windows 11/10 without the third-party bloatware
  • With some industry software, the proprietary stuff really is better. There are plenty of great FOSS tools out there, but not always the exact thing you need. For example, PDF software: I don't know of any editor as powerful as Acrobat. And I absolutely hate Acrobat, but it's the best tool out there for modifying a PDF.

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    Which proprietary software do you prefer over their open-source alternatives, and why?
  • Don't know the last time you updated, but Inkscape layers got an overhaul in 1.2, released about a year ago. Still not perfect, but a massive upgrade from how they used to be

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    Organizing locations
  • My thought is to use separate notes for each. Then link to the parent in a dedicated field of the frontmatter (which will be nicely formatted as a link if you're on 1.4). In each location that might have sub-locations, use a dataview query to list all of its immediate children. There might even be a way with dataviewjs to list all of the people in a given region by traversing the "tree" of successive links.

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    Are G.O.P. Voters Tiring of the War on ‘Wokeness’?
  • the proposed legislation must not make a criminal out of anyone who's currently a law abiding individual in compliance with all laws, who does nothing differently after the law passes

    Wouldn't any new law about firearm sale, ownership, or use do this by definition? If it doesn't change any legal things into illegal things, it isn't doing anything at all. What kind of law can you imagine that would pass this part of your test?

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    Where in history is the reference point of modern week day countdown? [SOLVED]
  • Our idea of a week can probably be traced back directly to early Israelite religion. There's good evidence of a 7-day cycle by the 6th century BCE, maybe as early as the 9th. They cared which day was which because the 7th day was a holy day of rest (still practiced as Shabbat), matching up with the supposed final day of creation. Jews have been keeping this practice for a very long time, so I would guess that we're still aligned with the days the ancient Israelites were following that they thought matched up with the days of creation. Unfortunately, the exact nature of what day they decided was which is lost to time.

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    Leaving pointless answers/reviews on websites
  • I think it's because Amazon sends emails making it look like someone asked a question specifically to you, and the people who fall for that are also usually oblivious enough not to know the answer to the question

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    YSK what a granny knot is
  • Bunny ears aren't a problem! The resulting knot is the same as a standard shoelace knot. If your shoes are coming untied a lot, you probably are tying granny instead of square. Make sure that if you cross one way on the base crossing (like left over right), you cross the other way for the bunny ears step (like right over left). All the info in the link applies to bunny ears.

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    How would Threads federate with Lemmy in the first place since they’re a microblogging thing and we’re not?
  • Federation would also mean that you could use your account from threads to comment or post on Lemmy. So a Threads user links to a Lemmy post, the post could blow up with users who aren't familiar with the culture here. I think a lot of people aren't saying it, but they're worried about their cool, new favorite platform getting swamped with "normies."

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    Who else has a "Spidey sense" for timing things
  • My grandpa used to brag that he could always tell you the time to within 3 minutes if you asked. Meanwhile my ADHD makes me utterly time blind
