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Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • You keep talking domestic policy, but you have not given a reason on why Putin cannot be trusted on his endorsement. You are also missing the point that trump is a less stable commander in cheif, and may oppose Russian intrests elsewhere not just ukraine

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    Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • I have provided the same level of evidence, that you have that it is credible or factual or not bias. You where the one that made the positive claim, as is typical rules you have the burdon of proof

    second my evidence is ... BASIC meida litericy skills

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    Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • the reason there are more active voters in the middle is the ones to the left see no gain in voting for either mainstreem, once you loose appeal you cannot draw people to vote, this is a fundimentaly flawed stratagy that disposesses the left

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    Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • Their stratagy has always been scream about being the only game intown that is not farther right then them ... at some point that has to break down

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    Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • I mean odd that you KNOW none of these people where going to vote for Harris but these endorsments will get people to vote for Harris from the trump camp. I mean I would argue that there are people who remember past political actions and do not want to suport someone also suported by ghools, and this was either the last straw, or enough that they felt there was some alterer motive here.

    Second, have you seen any trump suporter, or someone thinking about suporting trump they are unlikely to be pulled away.

    third, threat to democracy? I mean I hate to break it to you but at best the US is an Oligopoly, and even then I would argue the dems are just a few steps behind. As for the the SCOTUS, what is stopping biden from using the above the law power... or Haris, why is this only a concern when trump might use it

    fourth, you have to relise that DICK CHENEY endorsing your canidate is not going to be a good look, especialy reveling in it. the better political move would be to use his endorsement to open up a conversation about all the evil he did, and the farther promotion of the Unitary Executive (Really started by Reagon and his staffers... who also endorsed harris) leading us into the mess we are in today, and to shove that endorsement where the sun dont shine

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    Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • both sides are Fasistic, and engage in class colaberation. If I look at the endorsements for haris coming from the right, there are people I would not want to even agree on what pizza topping is best with, let alone who should run a country.

    Second your right, anyone can, however the canidates can also reject their endorsement, and tell them to shove it where the sun don't shine, they have not done that, and that is damning.

    3rd ... REAGON AND CHENEY ARE MODERATE NOW... do you not see how abserd you are talking? they are not moderates

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    Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • no one is saying that is, but what queermunist is doing that you are failing to do is annilise the bias of the source, and consider the reasons for why they wrote something and the way they wrote it ... this is basic media literacy

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    Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • The liberals cheering is what told me the liberals where cheering. I mean ... Haris even gloated that Ronald Reagon himself would vote for her.

    as for disenfranchised conservitives, this is a group that does not exist, like both halvs of the uniparty pander to the conservitive.

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    Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • I mean I am not saying that his endorsement is a good sign, however I see no reason not to trust his endorsement on face value. It seems to be more work and more conspericy boarding to say that this is some 7d chess to get trump back when there are reasons he would want a haris win

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    Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • I mean... yes... there are quite a few reasons I would not feel good voting for harris but there are 3 reasons I cannot in good contious vote for her, the first is the endorsments from Bush and Cheney, the second is this Reagon Endorsement, the third is she has publicly talked about class colaberation.

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    Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • why though? there is a large untapped market to the left of the Democrats, that they constantly ignore instead focusing on trying to just BE the republicans and take the fictional moderate.

    In reality here everyone in that space has decided, and is not going to be swayed a large majority of them are with trump, They should move back to ATLEAST new deal politics but expand it to all not just white americans, that will both re-expand there voting window and allow for a diferentiated base

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    Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • We can see how this is bad right. This is just like proof that the Dems today are what RONALD REAGAN was? Like ... this is a thing we can all see, and by Harris not publicly donouncing these endorsements along with Cheney's there is a problem... like an obviousl problem? we all see this right?

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    TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent ByteDance tells US
  • Who said anything about the baltics ot moldova?

    Ukraine was doing a genocide and violated 2 treaties Russia granted aid and enforced the treaties, and then the areas voted to join russia

    If you want to talk about the baltics we can, or Transistria, not Moldova, we can, but that wasn't the topic of discussion

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    TikTok will not be sold, Chinese parent ByteDance tells US
  • Also because Ukraine is a nazi state. It has nothing to do with my "talking points" just that Ideologicaly I am opposed to The Ukraine, so I do not want support being sent to them.
