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  • Figma balls

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    Full Stack Developer
  • What's figma?

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    Miss me with that low bitrate
  • Downloading it frame-by-frame from SSTV

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    notifications rule
  • Unfortunately, the Firefox app does this nonsense. Fortunately I can mute notifications by category.

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    Rubber band holder that looks like pasta plate
  • I'm sure it does taste awful

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    DaVinci Resolve not recognizing iGPU
  • Thank you! I'll adapt to using kden, I appreciate it

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    DaVinci Resolve not recognizing iGPU
  • Thanks for letting me know, I think that's the best news I can get so I don't go on a wild goose chase trying out random drivers with no success lol

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    DaVinci Resolve not recognizing iGPU
  • It's just an intel i7, there's no dedicated GPU, no separate graphics card. The program doesn't seem to recognize the CPU for an iGPU.

  • Hey there folks! I recently made the switch to Linux and I really want to do some editing using DaVinci Resolve. My computer is running an intel i7 7th Gen with no dedicated GPU. I used this tutorial to get through the initial installation but now the app just crashes warning "Unsupported GPU Processing Mode," advising me to "Please review the GPU drivers and GPU configuration under preferences." This is what I see when I go to that menu. Any idea what I need to do to make DaVinci recognize the integrated GPU?

    Could you do me a favour and make this post look like a Reddit post?
  • I went to post a comment on this Reddit thread but then my old man saw what I was doing and beat me with jumper cables.

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    Big Bird And His Brother
  • I'd liken this scene to humans looking at gorillas in a zoo

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    Jimmy Kimmel has a suggestion.
  • I approve this message 🫡

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    I could do without the AI stuff, Librewolf
  • I never saw it before until I updated to version 130.0-3 yesterday.

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    I could do without the AI stuff, Librewolf
  • Yeah nothing is enabled for me, I just don't like seeing it lol It only appeared once I updated to version 130.0-3 yesterday

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    I could do without the AI stuff, Librewolf
  • Yes, but it's specially in the new update for Librewolf

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    I could do without the AI stuff, Librewolf
  • It's in version 130.0-3, brand new

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    I could do without the AI stuff, Librewolf
  • New 130.0-3 update, it's brand new. Make sure you update to the latest version (or don't)

    Definitely some Firefox crap, I doubt the Librewolf devs would want this in there

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    Alot more dangerous [Rule]
  • The context/source link cleared up a lot of the missing context that had me scratching my head. I hope others will also enjoy this alot. ;3

  • Hey there, folks! I'm about to do my first Linux install and I'm trying to figure out which DE I wanna use. I'm not concerned about how analogous the DE is to any other OS because I'm willing to learn and develop a new workflow. From a performance and overall compatibility perspective, does either GNOME or KDE outshine over the other for this? This is specifically considering the latest non-beta/stable versions of each. Does the Anaconda installer work in the KDE spin of Fedora, or is the install process different altogether? I know Fedora's default is GNOME, does this make for any less stability with KDE?

    Edit: I appreciate all of your comments, thank you for taking the time to write them! Initially I was really interested in GNOME for its minimalist design, but it seems KDE can be altered for a similar form without needing to rely much on third party pieces because of how much is already built into it. Although I'm certain the GNOME DE is a really nice one, I think I'm gonna give it a go with KDE simply because it has three customizability already out-of-the-box and it seems to be slightly lighter weight. Of course, there's no reason to ever settle and it's likely I'll try GNOME at some point instead. Thank you! :)

    Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • Finally bit the bullet and got a Thinkpad and I'm leaning towards putting Fedora on it. I've never used Linux before but I've done some research and I like the idea of something that updates more often than Debian but isn't as DIY as Arch. Do y'all think Fedora would make a good starting point? I hear it's stable enough and offers enough non-free applications through the RPM file management system.

    Also, are there any drawbacks in using the immutable Silverblue version? I'm considering it just so I don't do anything dumb by accident.

  • More pictures in comments. This picture is Olight S1R Baton II (left) vs Rovyvon A23 (right). The Rovyvon uses a Nichia 219C emitter in cool white (about 5700K iirc).)

    It's the same complaint you hear time and time again, emitters with awful tint and CRI. When I was still new all I cared about was Olight, so I've amassed a pretty significant collection. It was only when I first tried a Hank light with Nichia 519A emitters that I finally understood why tint and CRI matters.

    Also, now that I've learned the Anduril 2 UI every other light just feels limiting.
