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[!No longer indecisive] I (23M) am indecisive about maintaining a relationship with my partner (22F)
  • Shit, I am sorry my dude, this does sound like an unhealthy dynamic. While not as severe, I have been in situations like yours, and while I was able to cognitively handle what was being thrown at me, I didn't realize the emotional, and subconscious trauma.

    Slowly overtime your brain is adapting to this environment. All that criticism from her is going to stick with you.

    I wish you the best man, I know these situations aren't easy to leave.

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    AI-generated child sexual abuse images could flood the internet. A watchdog is calling for action
  • Not saying it is impossible, but the simple fact that internet exists or not is absolutely not indicative of porn having a positive or negative effect. It is a pretty weak article to use as evidence against what I am saying when it states clearly that these are only associations and correlations and essentially guesswork.

    It's more than you've provided.

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    AI-generated child sexual abuse images could flood the internet. A watchdog is calling for action
  • Sorry, I really don't support your perspective. If you have reasonable suspicion to believe real child porn is being used in these models prove it to a judge and get a warrant. If someone is a bad actor to the point of criminal intent, prove it to a judge, and bring it to court.

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    AI-generated child sexual abuse images could flood the internet. A watchdog is calling for action
  • Dude how are you going to regulate AI?!!

    Like by all means go after people harming others, but man... You realize you have no control right? Black markets THRIVE in this world. Like fuck, they can't even keep drugs out of prison.

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    AI-generated child sexual abuse images could flood the internet. A watchdog is calling for action
  • This took me 2 seconds to google.

    Perhaps the most serious accusation against pornography is that it incites sexual aggression. But not only do rape statistics suggest otherwise, some experts believe the consumption of pornography may actually reduce the desire to rape by offering a safe, private outlet for deviant sexual desires.

    “Rates of rapes and sexual assault in the U.S. are at their lowest levels since the 1960s,” says Christopher J. Ferguson, a professor of psychology and criminal justice at Texas A&M International University. The same goes for other countries: as access to pornography grew in once restrictive Japan, China and Denmark in the past 40 years, rape statistics plummeted. Within the U.S., the states with the least Internet access between 1980 and 2000—and therefore the least access to Internet pornography—experienced a 53 percent increase in rape incidence, whereas the states with the most access experienced a 27 percent drop in the number of reported rapes, according to a paper published in 2006 by Anthony D’Amato, a law professor at Northwestern University. the most serious accusation,outlet for deviant sexual desires.

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    AI-generated child sexual abuse images could flood the internet. A watchdog is calling for action
  • Okay... So correct me if I'm wrong, but being abused as a child is like... one of the biggest predictors of becoming a pedophile. So like... Should we preemptively go after these people? You know... To protect the kids?

    How about single parents that expose their kids to strangers when dating. That's a massive vector for kids to be exposed to child abuse.

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    An Alabama woman was imprisoned for ‘endangering’ her fetus. She gave birth in a jail shower
  • We're in the comments on an article about a woman being thrown in jail for endangering her fetus, and you're arguing that because a fetus could turn into a person that's fine.

    I'm an antinatalist, I just find your arguments bad.

    Women aren't houses, so criminalizing their behavior because of the impact it might have in a person who does not yet exist is not great.

    Women "not being houses" is irrelevant to the point I made. We criminalize actions all the time when harm isn't actual, only potential.

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    An Alabama woman was imprisoned for ‘endangering’ her fetus. She gave birth in a jail shower
  • It seems weird to me that you're trying to create a disconnect when cause and effect is cause and effect.

    I can't work on my own electrical for my home without getting it inspected. If my house burnt down and harmed someone I could be held responsible. Even without harm I could be liable.

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    Starbucks Is Suing Its Union After “Solidarity With Palestine!” Tweet
  • This seems deluded to me. Obviously the people directing the marketing, design, employment practices, and operating procedures.. you know .. play a large part.

  • Like holy fuck do you not hear your kid screaming? Do you not have consideration for other fucking people? Or are you just so fucking useless you have zero ability to parent your child? I'm assuming the latter.

    Fuck people.

    I'm chilling in a hotel hottub, and there's a kid in the pool just screaming, fucking just screaming on and off at the top of their lungs, the sound just echoing off all the tile, it's fucking horrible, holy fuck.

    Ughh, just really needed to vent that. Thank you. And fucking thank god they just left.

    Fuck I'm greatful I don't have kids.


    New group of kids started floating around the hot tub bumping into me 😑 Asked them to stop, and then had to speak to their parents about it.
