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How serious are you guys when you talk about punching nazis?
  • I have the moral belief that genocide is wrong.

    I use a more strict definition of genocide than the ICJ: Any government that intentionally blocks food, medicine, and potable water to a population it considers problematic is a government intentionally committing genocide.

    Again, that is a more strict definition then the ICJ uses.

    Never again meant for everyone.

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    How Haifa University's Students' Union shut out Palestinians
  • Do you not see the racism in your comment?

    Are you that far down the genocidal Nazi hole that you can't see how racist your comment is, and how racist it will seem to non Nazis?

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    I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • Given your posts, I'm thinking you are a cop. This post certainly shows the absolute utter lack of imagination and empathy that cops have.

    You should have become a fire fighter if you wanted people to admire your self sacrifice.

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    I got SWAT'ed and handcuffed live while Linux development streaming!
  • I've been held at gun point three times in my life.

    Every time I was not doing anything illegal or even suspicious. I am white, not that that should make a difference, but we all know it does. EDIT: to be clear, I'm saying cops are racist, and unjustly target minorities.

    Each of those three times the person holding the gun was a power tripping asshole cop.

    I have been in several dangerous situations where a cop happened by, and just kept on going.

    I already live in a world where the police will not be there for me when I need them, and they solely present a danger with no benefit.

    You want to see people that are truly guided by a desire to help people? Go to a fire station or a hospital. Cops are not heroes, just assholes that want power over others.

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    adblock on mobile is 95% the only reason I use firefox
  • I'm a system admin who self hosts a bunch of shit off of a 48 Ru rack in his washroom.

    The internet used to be run off of the collective will of a bunch of people like me. I was there, back when it was FIDOnet and pirate bbs's.

    P.S. while I disagree with your viewpoint, this was a hilarious read, and I didn't down vote you.

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    Supporters of Israel's actions in Gaza - why do you think the Geneva convention should not apply?
  • I apologize for the accusations of lying and bad faith arguments.

    If you actually want to learn about the history of the area, these are good starts:–1939_Arab_revolt_in_Palestine–Picot_Agreement

    The long and short of it is that the British promised the Arab's self determination, and then broke the promise to give the land to Zionist immigrants mostly from Europe who absolutely stole the land from the indigenous people, with terrorism being one of the tools used. See the Irgun, Heganah, and Lehi

    Fun fact: The first Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, organized kidnapping operations for the Irgun before the establishment of Israel. He was also in charge during the massacre of Deir Yassin.

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    Supporters of Israel's actions in Gaza - why do you think the Geneva convention should not apply?
  • For the historical record: intentionally confusing the Central Powers with the Axis and deceptively editing a quote to try and sell the lie.

    All in order to justify a genocide.

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    Supporters of Israel's actions in Gaza - why do you think the Geneva convention should not apply?
  • Maybe you could update it with yours:

    In the aftermath of World War I, the victorious Allied Powers occupied and partitioned the Ottoman Empire, which lost its southern territories to the United Kingdom and France. The successful Turkish War of Independence, led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk against the occupying Allies, led to the emergence of the Republic of Turkey in the Anatolian heartland and the abolition of the Ottoman monarchy in 1922, formally ending the Ottoman Empire.

    Mandatory Palestine[a][4] was a geopolitical entity that existed between 1920 and 1948 in the region of Palestine under the terms of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine.

    After an Arab uprising against the Ottoman Empire during the First World War in 1916, British forces drove Ottoman forces out of the Levant.[5] The United Kingdom had agreed in the McMahon–Hussein Correspondence that it would honour Arab independence in case of a revolt but, in the end, the United Kingdom and France divided what had been Ottoman Syria under the Sykes–Picot Agreement—an act of betrayal in the eyes of the Arabs. Another issue was the Balfour Declaration of 1917, in which Britain promised its support for the establishment of a Jewish "national home" in Palestine. Mandatory Palestine was then established in 1920, and the British obtained a Mandate for Palestine from the League of Nations in 1922.[6]

    Also, this is literally copied from your link:

    For the World War II alliance, see Axis powers. The Central Powers, also known as the Central Empires,[1][notes 1] were one of the two main coalitions that fought in World War I (1914–1918). It consisted of the German Empire, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria; this was also known as the Quadruple Alliance.[2][notes 2]

    Jesus, the link you provided was FOR the great war.

    Did you even read it? Of course you did, you bad faith liar, the text literally from before your quotes was the time period that you intentionally removed.

    On the tiny miniscule chance you actually believed the nonsense you spouted, do you see that you were either taught completely erroneously, or outright lied too?

    EDIT: To address the racism of the original post:

    Do you think Ottomans are Arab? Do you think Persians are Arab?

    The whole point of Lawrence of Arabia was the attempt to get the Arabic people to mutiny against the Ottoman empire.

    Maybe you can read this and actually learn that Arab isn't a generic term for middle easterner.

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    Supporters of Israel's actions in Gaza - why do you think the Geneva convention should not apply?
  • The Ottoman empire sided with the Nazis?

    How has no one commented on this ahistorical nonsense.

    The Ottoman empire dissolved in 1922.

    After The Great War aka World War One, the British took over the area called Mandatory Palestine in 1920.

    Everything about this post is insanely wrong.

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    without saying how old you are, how old are you?
  • My first computer game was a book with the code in the book that you had to type in.

    I participated in FidoNet.

    I saw labyrinth in the theaters

  • This collection looks absolutely amazing, and must have taken a bunch of work to collect.
