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Looking for something new to read after The Expanse
  • I'm a big fan of modern epic fantasy. I highly recommend Stormlight Archive and The Kingkiller Chronicles. Sanderson and Rothfuss are easy to read and enjoy.

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    The Elder Scrolls VI Is at Least Five Years Away, and Is Likely to Launch on PC, Xbox Series X|S Only
  • I would prefer you didn't respond. I don't want your attention at all. In fact, I don't want you in the thread at all, which one would think was clear from my previous comments. Let go of your defensiveness and seek some help. Or just fuck off. I'd like to be able to view comments about video games without toxic trash comments such as you've provided. I happen to be a psychologist but it doesn't take one to see your comments are toxic, fact free, and openly hostile.

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    The Elder Scrolls VI Is at Least Five Years Away, and Is Likely to Launch on PC, Xbox Series X|S Only
  • I didn't do anything of the sort. I said you seem miserable and mentally ill for bothering to spend time here insulting people. You're miserable and attempting to spread your misery. Get a counselor and talk to somebody. Thanks for confirming my assumption now go get some help. Imagine being upset that someone might enjoy a video game that you didn't like. That's not what sane people do.

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    The Elder Scrolls VI Is at Least Five Years Away, and Is Likely to Launch on PC, Xbox Series X|S Only
  • It has nothing to do with agreement. It's the premise of spending time in a forum for a product you don't like, and insulting everyone else. That screams mental illness and a miserable life.

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    The Elder Scrolls VI Is at Least Five Years Away, and Is Likely to Launch on PC, Xbox Series X|S Only
  • I imagine you must have a pretty sad life if you find yourself spending free time insulting people who enjoy something you don't like.

    There must be some serious mental illness going on to spend time in threads about products you don't like. I don't like Ford vehicles, but I don't spend my time on Ford forums insulting them and their owners because I'm not a miserable loser with nothing to fill my time.

    Go find something you enjoy. Nobody is interested in your pathetic trolling.

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    What's the best vacuum cleaner in your opinion?
  • I'm a firm believer there isn't a better value than a Shark vacuum. The thing is reasonably priced compared to other high performing vacuums and it works phenomenally. I would recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat.

    TLDR; buy a Shark @ sharkclean dot com

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    ISPs Should Not Police Online Speech—No Matter How Awful It Is.
  • Your argument really sucks. You don't trust the courts or law enforcement to uphold laws, but you're willing to allow ISP's, like Comcast (the most hated company in the US), to regulate what speech can be used online? That's absolute madness and defies all logic.

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    Do you see Black and Blue, or White and Gold?
  • I'm looking at the image on a very high quality OLED screen. On an OLED, it's very obviously NOT black. You can see the top of the dress in the light and it's not at all black. The black on my screen makes that incredibly obvious. Who cares what it is in real life, I'm not judging that, I'm judging the image and black is not a part of the dress, in this image.

    The Guardian's image is black and blue. The image in this thread IS NOT. My eyes may look red in a photo, that doesn't mean they're really red. An image is not a perfect reflection of reality.

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    Trump causes confusion by sharing meme calling Jan 6 a ‘government staged riot’ even though he was in power
  • You're amazingly uninformed.

    "But Trump very specifically said to protest peacefully during his speech that day."

    No, he told them they have to "fight like hell" and sent them to the capitol. The speech was on national television. Wake the hell up.

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    [Discussion] Regarding Exploding-Heads, the admins are now banning users requesting defederation. This isn't a bad thing.
  • I was a 12 year user and they banned me permanently on the 6th, during a blackout, for "harassment", on a comment that was mild and simply complained about r/politics moderators and shared my true experience of being banned from politics after a decade of use for saying, "only a fool links opinion pieces as evidence.". Would love to prove it but they removed my comment and I haven't been able to track it down subsequently.

    Anyone have any ideas how to get it? I'd like to send my story to some journalists while Reddit is a hot topic to show they ban long term users who didn't break rules simply because they don't like what the user is saying.
