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Mine's still around here somewhere.
  • This thing is so recent it could play MP3s... The first Discman was released in 1984. I'm actually really confused why they picked such a recent version, the technology was almost phased out when this thing was released. FFS the original iPod came out a year before this thing...

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    Google Makes Over $92 Billion per Year By Owning Android (their 'open source' operating system)
  • My biggest hurdle is honestly that GrapheneOS only supports Pixel phones... I had one once and hated it and honestly don't know how much of that was because of google's android or the phone itself and am reluctant to buy a new pixel phone to try GrapheneOS and find out I still hate the hardware. I've had a much better "out of the box" experience with Samsung phones (and love that my current one has an sd card slot and headphone jack - but I know that's pretty much non-existent on new phones) but am finding they are so locked down and closed off by Samsung you can't really put anything else on it and have it work properly as far as I can tell.

    It's time for a new phone, and I'm honestly not sure what to do... The easy route seems like getting a pixel and putting GrapheneOS on it before doing anything else, but I just don't super trust that the hardware isn't going to drive me nuts...

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    Overheating laptop, should I try a lighweight distro - which one?
  • In my experience with them, MSI laptops tend to run quite hot in general, your OS probably isn't going to fix it. You can try one of those laptop cooling plates, basically a mesh platform with fans, ensuring cool air is always available to the laptop intakes, but it isn't exactly a perfect solution.

    Really it just needs more cooling capacity - they seem to cut razor close to the amount needed in their designs so when eventually cooling becomes less efficient either through fans getting tired/clogged or thermal paste/pads breaking down, it will not keep up.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You can't plagiarize mechanics because you cannot copyright mechanics... And you don't want to live in a world where you can. Imagine if the first company to make a first person shooter game copyrighted it... Or if Nintendo owned the rights to all 2d side scrolling games... Gaming would have never grown to what it is today.

    Hell, even board games would have been crippled by this kind of copyright.

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    What will you do once windows 10 is deprecated and you have to update to windows 11 or 12?
  • 2 things: First, Windows 12 being subscription only has been "debunked" multiple times, as the source for the article that shouted that from the rooftops was code for Windows 11 - which MS is currently working to have a subscription cloud-based version of for enterprise customers. Second, MS is 100% working on and going to launch cloud based Windows for enterprise customers "soon". It can be largely cloud based, and all that has to be installed local is instructions for how to log in and access the cloud during boot, and likely won't be able to do anything itself if the internet is disconnected.

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    "Linux Desktop: A Collective Delusion" - an unhinged rant
  • I think the biggest problem with Linux is that a lot of self-proclaimed "savvy" computer users need to check their ego... It's either people that have used Linux since 2008 and want to gate-keep the community because their superiority complex is a poorly built house of cards; or it's people that have only ever used modern windows and think they are good with a computer that went and tried to install Linux and screwed it up because it didn't work exactly like windows.

    Average computer users aren't comfortable installing windows and do not feel like they can fix it if something goes wrong...

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    "Linux Desktop: A Collective Delusion" - an unhinged rant
  • This is really and truly terrible all around. Firstly, its a link to a website talking about a post on Lemmy... Why the hell is this just not a post? Why do we need an external website for this terrible excuse for "an article"? Secondly, the writing is terribly done with poorly reasoned arguments and a lot of just plain wrong information. It is yet another example of someone that tried switching to Linux once, sucked at it, and decided that everyone here in the Linux communities must just be lying about having no issues using linux and they should come here to the Linux communites to tell us to stop and we can't do what we already do every damn day. Jesus, it seems like half of the posts in any Linux community on Lemmy is people that don't use Linux telling everyone how bad Linux is and how great windows is... wtf guys.

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    Martials don't even get anything from a 5th level multiclass into another martial class
  • You are talking about removing Dex bonus to AC, which every class gets, to make Barbarian able to completely dump 4 ability scores and not even need items (at least a fighter needs nearly 1k gold to get into heavy armor that will compete with this barbarian completely naked). Barbarian is not broken in a bad way currently compared to any other martial. A monk might keep up with AC, and maybe even damage output (but I'd argue being locked into monk weapons means they won't) but they'll have at best 60% of the HP a barbarian has (who is also taking half damage from non-magical sources a majority of the time) and still have to put points into 3 stats to stay relevant.

    Also, BG3 is not a great source for comparison... I have a bard at level 5 with a 21 AC. The more "tanky" classes I have played were all around 23 AC at level 7. There are a lot of magic items in the game that stack AC and you are absolutely swimming in them by level 8. Every party I've played through by the end game it was 4 characters with 23-26 AC across the board. My wizard was 24 AC (25 if standing in low light) by level 10...

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    Martials don't even get anything from a 5th level multiclass into another martial class
  • Ummm... Barbarian Unarmored Defense is based off Con, not Dex. They just didn't take away the default Dex bonus to AC that every class in the game gets. They shrug off damage by having a high Con. Barbarians are pretty good as it is, if you let them completely dump Dex and give AC from Str, they would be broken AF... 18 AC at level 1 with a shield under point buy system, and immediate jump to 20 AC at level 4, with no reduction in damage output at all. Possible to be 20 AC at level 1 literally completely naked (no shield) with rolled stats, and 18 isn't even entirely unlikely...

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    What to play after experiencing Chrono Trigger?
  • Earthbound is fantastic. Also, Chrono Trigger has several different endings and secret things to accomplish along the way, so it is good for more than one play-through. Finally, I remember stumbling into a game decades ago around the same time I first discovered Chrono Trigger called Seiken Densetsu. I remember having a copy in English and really liking it.

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    Musk's interference to protect Russia allowed Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities, and resulted in the deaths of civilians including children - Zelensky advisor.
  • GPS is quite a bit different. The satellites just orbit and send the same information out. The user device doesn't have to send anything back - the "communication" is only 1-way. Also, GPS is significantly further out from the planet and involves a lot less satellites, so it is not really feasible to turn them off specifically targeting a small area or an individual target - you'd have to black out a huge chunk of the planet to reliably block "an enemy" from using it.

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    Male vs female gaze rule
  • Honestly dude you lost me when you started forcing a "ph" in the word fantasy over and over. Can't take this conversation seriously anymore. I've explained it for you, but alas I cannot understand it for you.

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    Male vs female gaze rule
  • I believe you did misunderstand the post.

    The post is commenting that both men and women characters in comics are drawn for men. The male characters are aimed at the broad average male power fantasy, not a broad average sexualization that would appeal to women (the way the female characters are drawn for the broad average appeal of men).

    When the woman in this comic strip draws Batman in a way that is sexually attractive to her (which is a similar broad strokes "catch as many women as possible" approach comics already use for men), the man in the comic became uncomfortable seeing it. The point is that if they drew male characters in comics with the same approach that they draw female characters, then generally men would feel as uncomfortable by it as women generally feel now.

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    Musk's interference to protect Russia allowed Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities, and resulted in the deaths of civilians including children - Zelensky advisor.
  • I don't feel like nationalizing Starlink for the USA is best for everyone. It is a world-wide network, I feel like it would be better as something that isn't controlled by any single country (but, obviously I agree it should not be controlled by a single billionaire fuck-boy either...).

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    Male vs female gaze rule
  • I feel like your strawman missed the point. No one claimed all men or women are the same, and literally no one said "Women have differing tastes. Men on the other hand all like the same." (or even tried to make that point)...
