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  • wow this sounds amazing because you could air fry these fuckers and maximize the maillard reaction on the surface area of every singke bite!

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    7-Eleven plans to sell hot dog-flavored sparkling water - Feddit UK
  • I'm gonna try it! I was made with zero sweet tooth and a double salty tooth. i like to suck on boullion cubes and drink the olive oil from sardine cans.

    There aren't many entries in the salty beverage category! Cheladas are salty but have alcohol. The new Gatorlyte is salty but not very good.

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    Back in the 1970s when we switched to unleaded gas, what did the vehicles that ran on leaded gas do?
  • they still use it at racetracks as well. There's a big push in my neighborhood to try and get them to stop it at the local track which traces every saturday in the summer

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    What "I was there!" stories are you impatient to brag about to the next generations?
  • I was there loading games from audiocassettes and using systems with 1,000 bytes of ram before the internet existed.

    I was there when your windshield would have to get cleaned from bugs every couple days if you ever drove fast.

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    [OC] Caramalized Onion Meatloaf with White Cheddar and Mayo atop Guacamole
  • oh don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it. I have been blessed with a goatlike appreciation for any salty food. I would eat this again with zero hesitation 😂

    It definitely could have been better though!

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    Realizations about my transition and just feeling hopeless
  • Oh that sounds so frustrating. I'm really sorry you have to deal with assholes like that. I'm trying to learn to love my body rn and it's just so difficult so I feel for ya. i hope you feel better soon <3

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    New Dad, Current Problems.
  • just want to say this is a fucking top notch community and as a father of three every answer in here contains wisdom. drink this stuff in OP it's like that meme with the little cat asking the big cats stuff
