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What You Don’t Know About Sperm
  • Well... if its mucus that's causing the resistance then the sperm need more power to overcome the resistance. So if a group clump together in a way that focuses the forces of their movement on a small section of mucus then they'll work like a group snowplow.

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    Ronald McDonald's spraying democracy and freedom 🥰
  • I don't think its that complex. Group A gave permission for Group C to move into Group B's place. Group C decided to get a bunch of Group N's support to start the liquidation of Group B.

    Decades of Group B, playing to the "Rules Based Order" crowd resulting in no end to the violence Group C was doing to Group B resulted in Group B being more and more okay with countering violence with armed resistance.

    Here we are.

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    Looks like DRM prevented to watch movies in many theaters yesterday
  • I mean, my home is filled with ancient laptops that we use until they explode, its a pretty common occurrence when trying to watch something streaming the ads would load just fine but the actual show wouldn't actually load. So... shrug

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    What was the best thing that happened to you this year?
  • My ability to do math and predict my monthly budget costs is bad enough that it finally worked out in my favor... I'm still curious how that's happening, but I'm not inclined to look to deeply else I tip the balance of the universe out of my favor sooner that is bound to happen.

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    Fellow atheists: How do you know your senses and reasoning are reliable and valid? How do you know that you know anything? Solipsism vs Nihilism
  • Things that I've had to come to grips with when I figure out that it was okay to be an atheist.

    Human beings are not logical or rational. We can do logic and rationalizations but we are not fundamentally logical or rational creatures.

    Its okay to think things and not have some ironclad sentential logically correct argument as to why you think a thing. When a kid is asked by somebody "Why did you do that?" and the kid answers "I don't know" and the person keeps pushing for the kid to have some cause/effect conforming answer, its the person who's wrong not the kid.

    I mean, my eyes are shit and getting worse by the year. My brain has had issues remembering certain things and processing human speech into meaning for as long as I've been an adult. I've been in enough situations where I suddenly realize that I have no actual active memory of how I got here and yet the world still functioned. It just became something that I no longer felt any pressure or need to justify. Things can just be (maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, maybe I'm in some inbetween state) and I still exist.

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    Muh white people 😭
  • I think ... maybe...

    Civilians injured in Ukraine gets the US Ambassador to say, "Hey, support Ukraine!"

    Civilians injured in the Palestinian territories but there are no US Ambassador's tweeting, 'Hey support Palestine!"

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    How do you guys cope with the fact that the world isn't getting any better?
  • So yeah, the USA isn't the world but if the place you live in is falling apart its understandable to shrink your worldview down to the that which affects you most or that you witness the most often.

    1. Don't feel like you have to stare into the abyss all the time. This is just self harm. Its like habitually looking at entries on the old website. Nothing good will come of it.

    2. Do something, anything, that you can do alone. Plant some flowers, pick up trash in the neighborhood, read a manual about combat first aid or small engine repair, pick a country at random as far away from the USA as you can point to on a map and start learning about its history and culture.

    3. Find somewhere to do something, anything, with other people. Internet book club, see if any local groups/orgs need help feeding the hungry or helping the unhoused, probably some groups not too far away that exist to support one minority group or another that could use some help in research or outreach.

    Also, the world is a complicated place with lots of different actors. China is doing some pretty cool and good things. There's a lot of scary situations that probably will lead to positive change in Africa and South America right now.

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    Why do Americans support Ukraine?
  • Not many people have the time, energy, or patience to keep up with all the in's and out's of geopolitical history.

    So its pretty easy to frame it as "Big bad Russia bad man Putin invade smol bean Ukraine!"

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    Next year will be good
  • Redditor's are really gonna trying using the whole "Russian invasion of Ukraine" as an election interference operation aren't they?

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    Ukraine to celebrate Christmas on 25 December for first time
  • Meanwhile, Kyiv Orthodox priest Mykhailo Omelian said: "Everything that was related to Russia, and everything that Russia did the same way we did, provoked disgust among people."

    Looks like freedom fries dressing is back on the menu boys! freedom-and-democracy

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    Russia reduces number of air strikes after losing three Su-34 jets
  • Background: On 22 December, Ukrainian defenders shot down three Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers on the southern front.

    Dude... its been three fucking days. Unless the drop in air sorties went from dozens down to zero and stay that way for weeks to a month, this means absolutely nothing.

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    Any Interesting (**Not** Disturbing) Podcasts?
  • The Dork Forest, the host invites on somebody to talk about whatever they are really in to. It's ranged from a comedienne talking about comedy, to a pen and paper Marvel/DC super hero RPG history/mechanics, to the Sailor Moon anime series. Its pretty chill and usually a decent listen.

    The Past Times, its by the two hosts of The Dollop. (Sometimes Dave and/or Gareth will get wound up and stuck on a bit that can get cringy as it goes on too long.) Dave gets a newspaper from some point in the past and Gareth and whoever they've invited on just riff on the headlines, the content of the articles/advertisements/classifieds, etc. A bit hit or miss, but its decent for having on in the background where you aren't really trying to pay too much attention to it.

    The Dollop is alright. Dave reads stuff about an historical event or person to Gareth and sometimes a guest. Everybody riffs on it. Sometimes the jokes are a bit gross and go on for too long. I'd recommend their sports episodes as a person who is not interested in the watching or playing of sports but I do find myself amazed about the history behind leagues, games, competitions, players, coaches, owners sometimes. Some of the episodes can get pretty dark due to the subject of the episode though.

    It ended quite a while ago but, The West Wing Thing, is a pretty long series that follows a popular USA TV series "The West Wing" and the slow descent into maddness by the two hosts and their guests as they watch (almost) every episode and discuss what they watched.

  • So I got around to getting a new digitizer (screen) and replacement battery for an ancient iPhone and got them installed.

    Question for those who've replaced digitizers...

    Any ideas as to why the screen will behave as if its being touched in a bunch of places without actually being touched?

    Its not all the time, maybe 2 or 3 times in a day. All I have to do is turn off the screen and wait a few seconds.

    This is the second digitizer I've replaced but the first time I've had this issue. Mostly just curious if there someone more technically inclined/experienced with an answer other than guessing.
