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Help me choose a distro, please!
  • I recommend Linux Mint (21.2), which a based on Ubuntu (22.04) and Debian. The cinnamon desktop environment it comes with is pretty similar to windows 7, which makes it easier to use. I think 21.2 will remain supported until 2027 as LTS.

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    RISC-V hardware ready for daily driving?
  • Not directly related but RISC-V is also really nice to to program with. I hope it takes off because it has fewer niche instructions that may slow down a system (x86 sucks in that regard).

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    Twitter Ranked Dead Last on Climate Misinformation Scorecard
  • If you prefer to live your life in ignorance and don’t want to learn about other perspectives, then there is no point discussing anything with you as you ignore empirical evidence. If facts scare you, then there’s no conversation to be had as it’ll be like I’m talking to a brick wall. Anyone that unironically uses the word “NPC” is a moron. Please do some self reflection, and have a good day.

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    What can you do on Linux that you can't do on Windows?
  • Lmao my university also uses centos 7 for their ancient-ass SSH server. Even the professors just told us to use a VM because they didn’t want to use an old version of clang anymore.

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    What can you do on Linux that you can't do on Windows?
  • Yeah gcc and mingw took ages back when I learned cpp a few years ago. This was back in high school when I barely knew what Linux was, so it never occurred to me that I could do that. Eventually gave up on setting it up in VScode and used codeblocks and spent the semester dealing with that GUI.

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    India launches space mission to the sun a week after moon landing
  • Lol I am a US citizen and have lived here for 95% of my life, keep coping with your endless hatred with no statistical basis. I don’t pay attention to Indian politics because that shit is a mess. I just dislike people pulling numbers of out their ass if they can’t provide a research paper or article from a reputable research institution to support their claims. Give me a source for your claims, I am willing to read it. Show me proof that Indias situation is worse than other countries. I attend a university in a place full homeless students due to an incredibly high cost of living in California. Tell me how much the Brits stole from India which led to that whole situation. If you can’t provide a source from an accredited academic institution (literally 99% of non-profit unis), then I am not willing to listen nor debate with people that stay willfully ignorant.

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    India launches space mission to the sun a week after moon landing
  • Would you mention those in a thread about an article, let’s say, the recent Artemis mission? The issue is context, not the actual idea. It’s not relevant, so why mention it in the first place? If people want to discuss those problems, do it under the appropriate post or make a new thread for that purpose.

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    Tesla Full Self Driving Is Now 'End-To-End AI'
  • Especially Tesla. I am very into computer vision research but I would never trust a vehicle that relies on only that with 0 LIDAR or other sensing technologies in place.

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    India launches space mission to the sun a week after moon landing
  • I swear I see some shit like that in every comment section for posts mentioning India. I don’t know why people can’t be negative about everything and celebrate the accomplishments without mentioning the flaws of the country. I assume the previous guys are trolling or just dislike India.

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    India launches space mission to the sun a week after moon landing
  • You explained literally nothing. I am Indian, I am well aware of this, yet it’s still not relevant to their space program. The other comment puts those numbers into perspective.

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    India launches space mission to the sun a week after moon landing
  • How is that related to the space mission? Or are we trying to make this look like a Reddit comment section now? It’s an issue in India but that’s not relevant to their accomplishments in space exploration now is it?
