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Windows 10 is EOL in October 2025
  • Yeah ive also had s Star Citizen running in Arch. My setup didnt support game updates though so every update needed a complete redownload of the entire game which got old real fast.

    Also had Microsoft Flight Simulator running very well too which is peak irony. At first there was issues with satellite terrain and imagary as the networking was broken but a Proton update actually fixed that.

    Im incredibly impressed on the type of heavy duty window games ive got working in linux, some working very well others with slight occasional issues.

    Linux gaming isnt perfect but windows has never been either. Ive had plenty of experience over the years with some games just not running properly or at all in windows even though they should.

    Ive found many older games generally run better in Linux now in respect to modern windows, despite the compatibility layers.

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    Can You Use Linux Without the Terminal? (How to Geek article)
  • There is a large degree of willful ignorance. Its 2024 and the degree of computer illiteracy is astounding.

    I was an 80s kid but even I grew up with computers: Atari, Commodore and Amstrad. I then learnt PCs with DOS. All pretty much self learnt from 8 years old as no one else in my family knew shit about computers so I was on my own.

    These days computers are so user friendly ad practically run themselves, even Linux but the amount of people who cant perform basic computer tasks even in Windows is unbelievable. Do they even still teach computers at schools anymore?

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    Can You Use Linux Without the Terminal? (How to Geek article)
  • Why, what is the problem with Manjaro in respect to other distros and would imply someone is mentally impaired to use it?

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    Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time?
  • If it has the word auto in it i tend to disable, remove or uninstall it. I get frustrated by every half baked implemenation to predict, correct or actson my behalf.

    The only thing i mostly tolerate is auto suggest in programming IDEs. But that is on thin ice. The second it hijacks the input system its done.

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    An unexpected free Windows 10 upgrade is coming to your PC soon
  • More immersive weather experience

    Why? I already get that when going outside.

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    Yo Dawg, new Outlook just dropped
  • Nope. Im laughing at this meme carrying a smartphone checking my selfhosted linux postfix/dovecot email server.

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    What's your favorite note-taking application?
  • Siyuan. Ive been using it for a while now and find it very effective for my needs. Its gone through quite a few updates since i started using it and became open source in that time. It even has an android version as well which i do have installed on my phone but admittingly rarely use. I prefer writing information on a keyboard generally.

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    Researchers warn that Windows 11 restrictions could send 240 million computers to landfills
  • At the end of the day, consumers enable this behaviour by majoratively buying into their bullshit. If people just stopped supporting the bearers of bad practices, companies like Microsoft would change tack in a nano second to remain commercially viable.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Haha, ive done the exact same thing for the exact same reason; some years back using Linux Mint. Thought i was screwed but after some research online i found instructions how to reinstall a working kernal using the install usb. +1 for Linux versatility.

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    iFixit Tears Down McDonald's McFlurry Machine, Petitions Government for Right to Hack Them
  • "A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."

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    Hosting firm says it lost all customer data after ransomware attack
  • A hosting firm doesn't backup its data? WTF!

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    The GabeN has delivered
  • Less then 3.

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    Australia’s internet providers are ditching email, to the disgust of older customers
  • You covered one of the major points here. The unwillingness of people to learn new things that ultimately is not that hard when it comes down to it. Willful intellectual lazyness is paramount here.

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    I switched from Windows 10 to Linux. Its great!
  • I had a similar experience. Tried Linux off and on since the early 2000s but never really got proper hardware support and kept giving up on it; only to try again some time later. Then around 2013 things just started to work and I got a usable experience overall. Though saying that Linux Mandrake did get pretty close at an earlier stage, I believe the accelerated graphics card was the only thing not working at the time (approx 2006-2008).

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    Developer of GTA 5 mod that lets you chat to AI NPCs says it’s been removed by Take-Two
  • Put simply, the game was released practically complete, with a minimal bugs, a deep level of game mechanics and long engaging story-line. It also came free of any micro-transactions and loot boxes. It is heavily praised by game reviewers, critics and fans alike.

    Despite the success of BG3 the AAA game industry appeared to be threatened by it, and did their best to try and diminish its success and demand that consumers do not look at the game as a new standard in that game genre or AAA gaming in general.

    In other words, where AAA games in recent times have been released incomplete, full of bugs, infected with parasitic micro-transactions, loot-boxes and other gambling mechanics and generally criticized, they had the audacity to call out a widely successful game release and call it an anomaly in the industry.

    This is both shameful and ridiculous as to be fair BG3 represents how gaming used to be before the AAA gaming industry became corrupted by greed and the desire to create shallow products as a service other then avenues of entertainment.

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    Developer of GTA 5 mod that lets you chat to AI NPCs says it’s been removed by Take-Two
  • With this and the Baldurs Gate 3 controversy it seems to only reinforce that todays AAA game development studios don't like being one-upped and having to deal with game features/functionality that they can't easily or are unwilling to recreate themselves.

    The last thing they probably want is to be expected to have to add in NPCs that have a level of intelligence greater then a rock and can actually carry a basic conversation.

    In other words, how dare you make a mod that makes the game do something we can't/won't do.

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    Microsoft Finally Realizes Nobody Wants Its Windows 11 Preinstalled Bloatware
  • Yeah I get it. It always sucks to have the OS break to a point of having to reinstall it. I've actually got a history years ago of breaking my DOS/Windows installs, though that is usually me screwing around with shit I don't understand and don't know how to repair the damage.

    But that is all part of the learning experience I guess.

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    Microsoft Finally Realizes Nobody Wants Its Windows 11 Preinstalled Bloatware
  • The right Linux setup actually isn't that difficult. Relatively modern Linux is brain dead easy in comparison to how it used to be. I've been using computers since I was 8 in the 80's. Back then even before using DOS, computers were extremely difficult to use and had near vertical learning curves. Even the early version of Windows could be pain in the arse to get certain things done/figure out; it was the just the nature of computers at the time.

    These days modern operating systems such as Windows have been refined to the point where practically anyone can use it and get around with little difficulty. That is great and all but that is part of the problem. The bar has been dropped so low that if any of the users get provided any form of unexpected technical adversity that was prevalent in computers just some decades back; they consider it impossible to use. The biggest issue is most computer users these days are completely intellectually lazy when it comes to using them and how they work. Never in history has the technology been so widely available and yet the lack of understanding by its users has reached drastic levels of proportion.

    Its not that people aren't able to learn, they just don't even care to even try. And yet these same people will go out 5 minutes later and do something else just as technically involved such as rebuilding a combustion engine or rewiring an electrical circuit in a DC motor or a myriad of other things.

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    Self-hosted email rest API
  • You could be right. I am sure the entire situation was a lot more nuanced then I portrayed it in my previous post. And I am sure many of the email admins for companies had a lot more localised pressing technical issues to deal with for the companies they worked with then having the time to ponder on the implications of email centralisation from other businesses.

    I will always promote technological independence though. And despite the hurdles that come with running any technological service locally/privately whether it be an email server or otherwise it is ultimately worth it for those who need/desire the full control and privacy of ones own data. At-least that is my 2-cents.
