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No awareness whatsoever
  • You can't be serious.

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    every generation loves it's brainrot
  • We dine well here in Camelot. We eat ham and jam and spam a lot.

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    The emperor has no clothes. He never did. 9 years of this crap.
  • I assume he's trying to lull people who haven't seen the debate. Well, it's going to be tough to keep this going with all these memes of his embarrassing performance. The cat is already out of the bag and there sure is no one to eat it.

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    No awareness whatsoever
  • At least Harris has policy positions and a corresponding agenda. Trump has none of that, at least nothing that he could talk about in public. Did you not watch the debate? Did you not notice that he made no factual arguments whatsoever, but responded to every question on every topic with the same old empty polemics and unfounded recriminations?

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    MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • Once again, we see what the debate between Harris and Trump illustrated very clearly: The GOP in its current state is not pursuing any program whatsoever, but merely builds up imaginary enemy stereotypes that they blame for all their problems - without any even halfway factual reasons. Democratic processes are impossible with this tedious kindergarten approach because they are based on factual arguments, cooperation and the willingness to find common ground. I sincerely hope that there are some rational thinking conservatives left who will refuse to vote for this hateful orange moron and his ridiculous henchmen.

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    'What’s wrong with Trump?' Onlookers stunned as ex-president smiles at 9/11 memorial event
  • He probably remembered his tasteless lie that he owned the tallest building in Manhattan after the Twin Towers collapsed. He said this to a TV station on 9/11/2001. No one asked him for this interview; he found it necessary to call there in order to flatter himself with falsehoods instead of mourning the victims. He hasn't changed a bit since then.

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    It's true, I really do have concepts of a plan. Beyond that..?
  • By concepts of a plan, he probably means Project 2025, the plan that his "strategists" have drawn up to install him as a fascist autocrat if people are stupid enough to actually vote for him. It is hardly surprising that he does not want to comment publicly on the details of this deeply anti-democratic endeavor.

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    We are not the same
  • ChatGPT and basically any other powerful LLM is very likely trained on lots and lots of pirated data.

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    We are not the same
  • What about OpenAI?

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    Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand.
  • I think you meant to comment on OP's post. If you ask me, I'd say he rather belongs in jail. Given the countless serious cases that have been and are being brought against him, it's inexplicable to me that he managed to get around jail time - and is even a presidential candidate instead.

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    Bots are running rampant. How do we stop them from ruining Lemmy?
  • I think the only way to solve this problem for good would be to tie social media accounts to proof of identity. However, apart from what would certainly be a difficult technical implementation, this would create a whole bunch of different problems. The benefits would probably not outweigh the costs.

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    Bots are running rampant. How do we stop them from ruining Lemmy?
  • Well, unfortunately, the internet and especially social media is still the main source of information for more and more people, if not the only one. For many, it is also the only place where public discourse takes place, even if you can hardly call it that. I guess we are probably screwed.

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    Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand.
  • Also, despite the fact that he is a criminal, a racist, a misogynist, denies climate change and pretty much exclusively pursues policies contrary to the interests of ordinary citizens.

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    Turns out, "After Hitler, our turn!" isn't a great strategy
  • Yes, the KPD and the NSDAP both rejected parliamentary democracy and briefly formed a blocking minority in the Weimar Republic. Nevertheless, I do not think it is correct to speak of the KPD enabling or supporting the NSDAP's seizure of power - on the contrary. As I said, the situation is quite different with the conservative forces of the time - they were definitely at least partly to blame for Hitler's rise.

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    Turns out, "After Hitler, our turn!" isn't a great strategy
  • I was not aware that the KPD had ever cooperated with the Nazis. I'll have to read up on that.

    Still, I think it's a bit far-fetched to see the KPD as Hitler's enabler. After all, the Communists were one of the Nazis' main enemies and put up considerable resistance until the end (as did the SPD, which exists again today as a (somewhat) social democratic party under the same name after being banned following Hitler's seizure of power).

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    Sugar Daddy Desire
  • At least internationally, the Coke advertising campaigns definitely had a big impact. In Germany, for example, there was the "Christkind", who was usually depicted as a little girl bringing presents to children. Today, the "Christkind" has largely been replaced by the Coke Santa Claus, although this character also resembles St. Nicholas, who is often depicted with a white beard and a (red) bishop's outfit.

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    Turns out, "After Hitler, our turn!" isn't a great strategy
  • The Communist Party (KPD) did not help Hitler to power. But the conservative forces gave him considerable support at the time because they feared that the communists could win the election and form a government. What ultimately enabled Hitler to seize power was the Reichstag fire decree following the fire in the Reichstag in 1933. Hitler used this decree, which was only possible with the support of the conservatives, to brutally persecute the Communist Party, crush all civil and political resistance and ultimately install himself as a dictator with absolute power.

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    Sugar Daddy Desire
  • Dunno about the presents, but that old white man character was popularized by coca cola in the 1930s.

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    Russia's best friends in Germany: AfD and BSW
  • Just inform yourself. Trust in your own informed judgement.

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    For me, a random sales guy took the cake when he introduced himself as "Chief Innovation Evangelist".
