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Any tips on farming the solstice gear?
  • Also work on any catalysts while doing AoS, it's a great way to get kills. Equip extra ammo finders if you need special or heavy.

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    Recently started playing VI, have a few questions
  • I think the recommendations are just that. Maybe half the time they're useful, trust your instincts on things like builders.

    I personally expand in phases, not continually. I try to get at minimum 3 cities as quickly as safely possible. YMMV barbarian wise. Once I hit 3 I fortify a little, explore a little and build a builder to get going on refinements. I tend to go for scientific victory just fyi. Then when the three are humming along and I have some surplus military I start on the next 3-4 cities. This depends on terrain of course and those pesky neighbors.

    Trading annoys me as I think you'll come to see. The terms are lame and mostly the other leaders use it to build animosity towards you when you decline. The only good trades I ever get are when I've just destroyed them and waited 10 turns or so.

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    Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a vocal Israel critic and 'squad' member, loses primary
  • In the end I have to respect the choice to not support the genocide. I get that it has repercussions but I don't think I would choose a different path. Have to go with respect on this one.

  • Does anyone know a good site to find what spire chests are active this week? I've googled and cannot find a good resource.
