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How do you set up wake up alarm and not miss it ?
  • Smart alarms on a smart watch. Set a time window where it'll wake you up at an optimal time in your sleep cycle. Been using the one built into Sleep as Android for years, which another person also mentioned, but a lot of smart watches have smart alarms built in

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    How do you set up wake up alarm and not miss it ?
  • I second this, been using it for years.

    The smart alarm feature that senses when you're already moving around a bit is great too, especially when used with a smart watch/fitness band of some kind

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    How many squirrels do you think you could take in a fight to the death?
  • If they're all ganging up at once, coming from all directions, I feel like it wouldn't take that many to nip you in the nasties and go for the jugular.

    Assuming there's some kinda animal instinct where they know to go for vulnerabilities (some animals know to aim for hamstrings and necks right?) I'm not sure I could handle 10 unarmed and in regular clothes

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    Zen Z
  • As someone who struggled with analog clocks into my twenties, being able to see the hands move gives me a better sense of time passing and I remember reading stuff that supported that. I have a better sense how much time I have left for something looking at analog vs digital basically and it's a fairly common experience apparently

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    Cut the 'AI' bullshit
  • iirc, there were some statements from companies (Microsoft?) that we won't have to worry about AI's effect on climate change because it'll also come up with the solutions

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    How do I flush this?
  • It's a style of bidet actually. I had one in a house my family lived in as a kid. Never understood it, installed a hand bidet instead and that one was left unused just sitting next to the toilet

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    Helplessness (unknown)
  • Aaaaand I just realized the joke is she's chastising him for "acting helpless" when that's probably exactly what she's doing... Had to come back to comment once it hit me

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    Helplessness (unknown)
  • Clothing issue maybe? Or improper for a lady of the time to squat/bend down in such a manner in public? Those would be my guesses

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    What should I know about using a wheelchair for the first time?
  • I recommend the style of crutches that don't go to your armpit, forearm crutches. I was on crutches for months a few years back and that was much more comfortable for me at least.

    forearm crutches

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    Social media has become just a large engagement farm.
  • And the algorithms for Lemmy seem simple enough in my experience. You sort by active to see what people are actually engaging in, sort by hot if you wanna see what's building momentum (not sure if that's actually it but that's what it feels like) and sort by new if you just wanna basically see internet stream of consciousness

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    Social media has become just a large engagement farm.
  • I think this is quite the popular opinion, even among people who enjoy social media. I feel many people just accept this is the current state of things. But yeah, the evolution happened as the stress to monetize increased, so anything to keep people on the platform.

    If you post something that makes someone stay on platform long enough to see an ad or two, wonderful! The algorithm will bless you with exposure and the emptiness in your soul will be filled with likes.

    Social media platforms want to make ad revenue, they need the audience to stick around and they will employ all kinds of psychological trickery to do so.

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    This is just a bad tatoo
  • I dunno why but he was one person that popped into my brain thinking about this. He's got some devoted fans that I imagined would go that far, fun to have that thought confirmed.

    But yeah, still weird

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    It's Saturday, what have you watched this week?
  • Finally watched "Nope". Loved it. I love horror but usually prefer supernatural stuff, so slept on this one a good long while, but man, great character writing, excellent story telling. I see why so many people recommended it

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    Younger people of Lemmy. Would you buy a CD at a concert?
  • Not me but I know KPop stans will pay exorbitant amounts of money on albums not really for the CDs they come with but for the added art books, photo cards, etc. I know one young person who bought multiple copies of physical albums with CDs so that they can get access to earlier ticket sales and stuff. Also apparently some songs are CD exclusive and people get really upset when you suggest they just look for pirated rips online.

    So yeah, art books, photo cards, light sticks, key chains, lots of stuff that young fans are buying from artists they follow, and some of those things still come with CDs

  • If I'm not sharing, I just drop them back into the bucket/bag. If I'm sharing, I'll just eat them.

    Recently though a bucket I was sharing had so many unpopped kernels I started worrying for my gut. Had me wondering how everyone else handles this.

    So how does everyone handle unpopped kernels?


    Modern version of "Amusing Ourselves to Death"?

    Any recommendations for something like "Amusing Ourselves to Death" but written after the internet became mainstream?

    Something recently had me thinking about the book "Amusing Ourselves to Death" that made me want to give it a re-read, and as relevant as the main ideas still are for today, I wondered if there is a more recent book that is just as well received on the topic of society's addiction to amusement.


    I can't stop laughing but I also have no friends who read Stormlight to share this with 😭


    Nowadays I find a lot of games feel like too much work and/or anxiety when I just want to relax for like, 30 minutes to an hour after a long day. On the other hand, the games specifically designed to help you unwind just feel boring imo.

    In the past I've felt like Outer Wilds scratched this itch, cause the whole experience was engaging but generally relaxed. There was a mystery that kept me hooked and the exploration and movement was fun in and of itself. I also felt like Subnautica filled this role since it was very much at my own pace, with anxiety producing portions which could for the most part be avoided or minimized, and also there was a clear objective to fulfill, get off the planet.

    So what games do you play when you just wanna relax?


    Complete Linux noob so apologies if anything I say or ask about sounds dumb.

    I want to start making the switch to Linux and I've got most things figured out I think. I plan on putting either Mint or Fedora on my old Surface Go gen 1 because it's not critical for my work and potentially losing some functionality there won't cause huge issues, but my main use of it right now is taking notes on Onenote that I can then view and edit from my other devices as well.

    Looking into Onenote and alternatives on Linux, I keep running into comments about the lack of handwriting support or no straightforward answers about stylus support. Anything Lemmy recommends I try? Also, any advice on running Linux on the Surface Go in general is welcome. Found some resources already but doesn't seem like people do this often.
