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Trump gets big mad at the debate, just like Harris planned
  • The after birth abortions were not absurd? I'm half way through watching it and that and the 28 million immigrants a day both sound kinda absurd.

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    It turns out cyclists actually should roll through stop signs. Here’s why
  • Possibly wrong on one account amigo. What if it's illegal in his area and that is what he is resounding based on?

    Someone asked why do drivers get pissy? Then this side responds with why he gets pissy and you assume he is wrong about everything. So for someone that toutes research papers and evidence, maybe ask if it's legal in their area instead of talking down to them.

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    Everyone became animal rights enthusiasts real fast...
  • That isn't how supply/demand works. If you are creating a demand, which you are when buying the product, you are incentivizing someone to create a supply.

    If enough people didn't buy the product then there wouldn't be a demand and the person that pays the "milker" wouldn't pay them anymore.

    I believe that's in the laws of macroeconomics (?)

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    Everyone became animal rights enthusiasts real fast...
  • Buying the product increases the demand for the product making the store want to provide the product so they purchase it from the farmer. If nobody bought cow milk from the store then the store wouldn't buy from the farmer and then the cows wouldn't be milked.

    And I believe the "rape of animals" vegans refer to is taking their milk without consent. I'm not an expert on either side of the argument so I may be wrong.

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    Everyone became animal rights enthusiasts real fast...
  • But you are when you buy the animal products. You are paying them as indirectly as you are supporting the animal abuse indirectly.

    You pay the store for the milk, the store pays the wholesaler and the wholesaler pays the farmer who is committing "animal abuse/ rape".

    At least that is the logic flow they are using. I personally agree that there is no problem with this as long as it is done as humanely as possibly.

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    Florida state parks whistleblower fired after exposing Ron DeSantis’s plans
  • A lawsuit will take time. But the guy started a go fund me you can find by searching "an ethical whistleblower’s new start" if anyone wants to help him. Looking at the numbers something tells me he isn't going to be hurting in the short term.

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    How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy?
  • I agree with the others but here is some advice when you are happy being alone.

    Don't let the search for a gf become a large part of your life again. I was on all the dating apps and whatnot thinking I was ready to have a gf and I still think I was. But the search started consuming me i spent an hour or two a day reading profiles and going through pictures to try to find the right one. i would read the bios of girls and think about how perfect we would be together and swipe on them. If a girl swipped on me even if she wasn't up to my standards I would swipe just because... maybe if I give her a chance... it would work.

    After maybe a year of that, numerous dates and spiraling depression I realized what it was doing to me. I found a half way decent dating app and canceled all the other subscriptions. Then I just started trading it as a game, 5/10 minutes here or there throughout the week and that was it. I was in a much better place. Fast forward 3 months and my gf actually swiped on me, fast forward a year and we are expecting our first kid.

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    Yes, lady. That's it...
  • I mean isn't that most kids though? First time or in the world no matter how you do it is a shock.

    What OP is doing is just the first steps to what I'm guessing is going to be a continuing education about how is ok to say no and should be respected. It isn't the end of the road for the conversation about no

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    How is Lemmy better than Reddit?
  • For me it was also the API issues. I hated the normal client and only used sync. When they shut down the API I left. Unfortunately I feel like my /all is mostly political and the niche communities I follow don't have enough content. I'll always be a lurker.

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    Kyle Rittenhouse criticized Donald Trump. So conservatives said he's transgender.
  • The user laid out an argument, a reasoning and asked you a question. All you can do is "LA LA LA" doesn't fit my narrative and insult. Hmm reminds me of some people I know. At least tell them why you think what you think other than omg Rittenhouse bad.

    And I am on rittenhouse's side on this one. Simply because he has gone up against a jury of his peers and been found innocent. If we stop obeying the rule of law then we are no better than terrorists. Want the law to change? Vote, don't insult your peers
