I just found Super Woden GT 2 an amazing Retro-Indy-Racer.
Fallout 4 with the hype around the show and the sale, I finally picked it up. The survival mode is very fun.
Also with the shutdown of the eShop, I finally hacked my WiiU and extracted images of my games. And with that I started a new play through of Xenoblade Chronicles X.
I just got my SD.
After exploring the system and playing around with many games in my library (thanks to who ever implemented network-downloading), I rediscovered Forza Horizon 5. The new way of playing it seemed to have changed my perspective on the game.
Sons of Valhalla looks fun but the mixed reviews worry me a bit.
Spec Ops:The Line
All I wanted and expected was yet another mediocre military schooter. Mechanically I got that. What I not expected: how hard the story would hit. I am so very glad I went in blind.
I agree. Admittedly I haven't dealt with the legal side in years and never outside my own country. But definitely talk to a specialist lawyer or other expert about it. Because of the oral application it might not even be the lowest level of medical device anymore. And with that comes a multitude of regulations. From durability to material to production environment.
I like the idea and as someone who had to use a dispenser in my youth, I appreciate the smaller profile of it.
Die Luftqualität ist schlecht, also wird Tempo 30 eingeführt.
Die Luftqualität wird wieder besser! Da braucht man die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung ja auch nicht mehr 🤡
Diese Änderung will Frau Schreiner natürlich dann schnell umsetzen...
well, the handle was fixed with duct tape until I got a printer ...
nothing will ever truly replace duct tape!
An Ender 3 V2
A 3D-Printer, I thought I just play around with it and get bored, but you discover so many things that you can do!
The handle on the fridge broke? Print new ones. Need a Flowerpot? Just print one. The router needs a wallmount? I have one ready in a few Hours.
Also I can watch it print for hours, very fascinating and calming.
Ich habe da so eine Idee warum Frau Schreiner in Berlin alle Radwegprojekte gestoppt hat ...
Some TotK and some Monster Hunter maybe some Advanced Wars sprinkled in.
So much to do so little time!
came here to post this.
Also it always feels like I'm cheering for my system. :D
While not a daily login bonus, the weekly and monthly tasklist of Forza Horizon 5 killed the game for me. It triggered some sort of fomo and I would rush in every week to grind the new tasks/events. That burned me out very fast, so I could not enjoy the rest of the game.
I played Egg Inc. for years. It was a nice little game. But sadly a point where progress would take at least half a year. At that point I decided: It was fun, but it is time to move on. Currently I don't play any IDLE game.