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But think of the shareholders
  • Considering that Brexit got through and that's exactly what's happening in the UK (amongst countless other problems), don't bet against them trying something stupid like this (regardless of when or who's in power).

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    GM Canada supports potential tariffs on Chinese EV imports amid market concerns
  • Possibly. I don't follow automakers generally, but I really wonder if you can be worse than cars with batteries that spontaneously combust while parked, or cars with batteries that are entirely unshielded and placed lower than the axel and fenders, making it the first thing to be hit by any debris on the road.

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    GM Canada supports potential tariffs on Chinese EV imports amid market concerns
  • Considering the quality of Chinese EVs lately, we don't even need to do tariffs. Just force random safety testing on them and we can basically bar the entire line. Simply include proper collision simulations and battery safety tests. These EVs already spontaneously combust in transit and there's already been several container ships that's gone up because of them.

    Such tests can be universal and will help maintain local production quality as well.

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    Minister suggests Canada is considering tariffs on Chinese EVs following U.S. move
  • Not to mention foreign slave labour that's subsidized by a government intent on taking as much of the western world with them when they crash and burn.

    Not only that, but Chinese industry is declining so hard right now that even the EV industry is on the verge of failing with record number of companies in the middle of shutting down, so relying on Chinese EVs is not just asking for destroying our local industries, but also have our supply vanish the moment the Chinese are unable to deliver once they can't even get half the parts to build them due to all the tarrifs that are being put on them.

    Then there's there's all the stories of Chinese EVs spontaneously combusting that keep popping up before being covered up. I think there's been at least two cargo ships that went up after the EVs they were carrying suddenly caught fire, then all the thousands of EVs that caught fire after minor bumps due to a lack of safety features. Even the Russians are saying no to Chinese EVs lately due to how bad they are.

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    Canada’s standard of living on track for worst decline in 40 years
  • Interesting they're blaming the Liberals when this decline's been going on for at last two decades now, at least relative to global wealth. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised to see that relative standard of living compared to the rest of the world, we've been declining the entire 40 years on average.

    And looking at the trends, we're headed right towards another recession on top of a housing bubble burst, so no matter what anybody tries, we're looking at another decade of decline before there's even a chance of things getting better. The moment the housing bubble crashes, we're looking at a similar situation to Japan's lost decades, and we can only hope to ride it out half as well as they have.

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    In Canada, bodies go unclaimed as costs put funerals out of reach
  • I have a strong suspicion that this won't be a guaranteed income in the near future. There's already human testing for life extension treatments, so it won't be a surprise that in twenty years, we'll see a serious decline of profits both for funeral homes and in elderly care facilities making them both rarities.

    That said, I do think that cremation or something similar should be a subsidized if not a free government service. Being charged an arm for dealing with a tragedy is just plain exploitation and there should be alternatives for those who aren't in the best positions. There's already so much paperwork and other things people have to deal with, it's a wonder that this hasn't been a major public issue for decades now.

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    Will Canada Ever Have High-Speed Rail? | The Walrus
  • To be honest, it doesn't have to be HSR at that point. Just reliable normal rail would do that, something we're still lacking for most of the country. Imagine being able to get to any province in a day under $30 (and even cheaper group deals) with zero chances of any delays.

    Vacations across Canada, or even just visiting family in another province for a weekend would be easy and regular. Not to mention how much it would bring the nation together. As things stand, the provinces are more separated from each other than the states in the US. We're closer to the EU than the US in terms of unity. Arguably even worse than the EU. Promoting cross provincial movement for even little things would seriously bring us together, not to mention all the economic benefits.

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    Toronto city staff propose 10.5% property tax hike at part of 2024 budget
  • Agree on all points. Frankly speaking, part of the reason housing prices are as high as they are is because it's so cheap to continue owning one. And by not selling as often, the market prices soar and it becomes more difficult to have more efficient housing options replace single detached homes.

    Not only that, but by increasing housing density, it further increases the city's revenue and reduces cost of the infrastructure since a similar amount of infrastructure can service several times as many people.

    Frankly, I hope that this not only passes, but keeps going for a few years. Homes should never be treated as investments, but necessities of life. Unlike investing in businesses, investing in homes puts greater burden on the economy rather than expanding it, and it's only a matter of time before the bubble bursts, causing millions to love everything.

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    Way Too Many Games [14000] Were Released On Steam In 2023
  • Do you have mature filters on? I see at least one adult game on the front page all the time, if not a dozen despite having bought only two or three on my account (compared to the better part of 1k games on my list).

    Lots of games with advertised screenshots blocked due to being mature, and lots more that don't despite being obviously pornographic.

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    Why does bi-weekly mean "every two weeks?" This has always bothered me because intuitively it should mean "twice a week."
  • I've never heard of the concept of being paid twice a week, unless if you get paid daily but only worked twice that week. Is that really a thing in payroll, because I've only heard of biweekly pay to mean once every two weeks.

    Semiweekly isn't a term I've ever heard, but I've never worked at a bank.

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    This is what Canada will look like in 20 years – are we ready for an aging population?
  • Considering the situation with old-care homes we've been hearing these last five years, not even close. Everything from school to medical care, retirement homes and normal homes is a half-century behind in what's needed. Instead of change we need, we're constantly fed all the damn feel-good measures that amount to things that should've been done decades ago, and no longer fix current issues.

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    Video appears to show officer with knee on protestor's neck, police say it didn't happen
  • To be honest, I'm guessing that they're trained to push their body weight into the person's back, but only trained in a controlled environment with compliant trainers, rather than someone out in the open with others yelling, screaming, and throwing objects while the subject is trying to resist.

    Ten guys try to do it with minimal training in terrible situations, and at least one of them is going to fuck it up like this. While on camera since everybody's got one in their pocket nowadays.

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    Video appears to show officer with knee on protestor's neck, police say it didn't happen
  • All cops are human, and humans tend to have terrible memories, lie regularly, are morons, and put self-interest over everything else.

    The issue is that humans aren't held accountable for what they do and say in proportion to the amount of power they wield.

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    Why North America Can't Build Nice Apartments [Video, 12:09]
  • While I think this is an issue, I think it's a minor one. If it was a big problem, we'd see a whole bunch of 2 storey apartments sprinkled amongst single family homes. But I've never seen one in all my time in Toronto. Because there's a whole ton of regulations that make it impossible by just plain making it illegal without jumping through a whole ton of other hoops that make it far too expensive.

    I'm not saying fixing this won't help, but it's just one of dozens of issues, and a minor one compared to some of them.

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    Canada faces declining EV interest, report shows, despite push to boost sales
  • Well, that, and Musk's been torpedoing his own reputation by opening that mouth of his more and more these last few years. Tesla owners always though he was one of them, but he's been proving them wrong more and more every time he opens that mouth of his, so it's no surprise that people who are pro-EVs are seriously thinking about ditching Teslas.

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    Canada faces declining EV interest, report shows, despite push to boost sales
  • The faster the charger, the more powerful of a charging station you need, and the more expensive they are. No matter how fast your car is capable of charging, it'll be limited by the charging station so the speed itself won't change.

    On the other hand, solid state batteries are supposed to have quite the increase in charge density so there's the hope that they can be a lot cheaper since you don't need as big of a battery.

    On the other other hand, isn't the car market slowing down as a whole? Sales seems to have slowed dramatically these last few years as people are relying on other ways to get around more and more, so rather than replacing cars with EVs, it's more like cars are just plain disappearing, even it's only at the rate of partial replacement levels.

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    Canada vows to triple nuclear power production by 2050 | CTV
  • Promises mean nothing. We'll start talking once we get some contract written up.

    That, and why 2050? It only takes 10 years to build nuclear plants, so why can't it be 2040? Or just pump in more money into the joint effort into SMRs?

    Honestly, until I see money exchange hands, this is no better than China commiting towards climate change goals while simultaneously building up a dozen new coal power plants.

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    It's not just COVID anymore, or a triple-demic. Welcome to the 'new norm' of seasonal illnesses
  • Specifically it's bad for rich people who own offices, but good for rich people who own businesses that don't need offices and now aren't expected to waste money on them.

    The issue is that office space is leased for several years at a time, with the shortest leases being something like 5 years. It looks bad on the spread sheets when you have 3 years left on your lease, yet you're not using those offices because people want to work from home, so a lot of companies are trying to force people to go back to offices so they can get their yearly bonuses, even if it costs the company millions doing so.

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    B.C. housing plan could see 293,000 new units over next decade, says report
  • Probably more like 4x that, but on the other hand, this is finally a project that is starting to get a little close to the level of added housing that is needed in a single city (presuming this is concentrated around central Vancouver, not being placed around smaller towns or something stupid like that.

    Most proposals only amount to 10% those numbers, and 10 years is a realistic time scale as building homes takes time in the first place.

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    It’s time to increase the fines for drivers who block intersections
  • I remember reading about a particular speeding camera that is actually turned off the majority of the time due to the sheer number of speeding tickets that are produced from it alone. It's so much that it clogs up the entire system so they just gave up and turned it off for like 2/3rd of the time so the people processing those tickets have time to work on other cameras.

    Raising the fines is good and all (rather it really should be done), but I think the entire ticketing system needs to be overhauled as well so that it's far more streamlined to handle massive loads without hiring thousands of more people to brute force the problem.

    The number of people who brag about their fines is staggering, treating them like badges of honor. If you check out automotive forums, you'll see it all the time, with people trading tips on how to push the limits of the demerit system to avoid having their license revoked without actually fixing their habits. There's even tips on how to legally obscure your license plate so you can't get caught on speed cameras.

    Also regarding those highway speeding cameras, normal speeding cameras just take two pictures and measure how far the vehicle has moved during that time. Though if you just equip the camera with a doppler radar, you can just directly measure the speed that way.
