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Why Is Rust Programming Language Becoming So Popular?
  • Thanks, you comment definitely makes me want to try Rust.

    Could you tell me, can I use Rust as general purpose application language? Something like: create small executable app (win,unix,mac) that read some files, and do something with it, create GUI app that connects to DB and do something with it, etc?

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    Why Is Rust Programming Language Becoming So Popular?
  • Rust has gained immense popularity for its ability to help developers write robust and efficient code without sacrificing ease of use.

    Rust's unique features and design principles grant it several advantages over other programming languages

    I don't want praise and ads, I want honest and clear points: what good and what not so good.

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    5 Things I’ve Learned in 20 Years of Programming
  • Erm. Duplication of code is ok. Removing absolutely every duplicate function is just premature optimization imho.

    If you have two different customers with slightly different workflow then go ahead and create two mostly the same functions. When you will have 4 different customers with slightly different workflow, then its a time for refactoring, maybe extract basic same functionality into separate function/object, maybe introduce dynamic workflow using finite automata, maybe extract these functionality to separate modules.. but never do it prematurily.

    Imho, sometimes ,removing of duplication very much increases complexity and code became hard to understand and hard to modify.

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    The Worst API Ever Made
  • Im not even 100% sure that API is really bad? Some hairness could be easily explained by performance reasons. You don't want logging to take a massive amount of system resources.

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    Dear past me, use the flags
  • Hm, I still not sure about this article lesson.

    So, main issue is that users of old version can use new feature, but they should not? On a desktop app? But why they sould not be able to do it in the first place?

    I mean idea is good, but situation described in article looks like completely fictitious or incomplete..

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    The Fall of Stack Overflow
  • If SO supposed to be wiki, then why there no clear way to update the answer with new information? Why only the person that asked the question can mark answer as correct? Clearly some person with more expirience should have possibility to mark answer as correct.

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    Is software getting worse?
  • Thats actyally very good point. Our phones x100 or x10K more powerful and complex than computers from 90s, but always works and very-very rarely need reboot.

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    Why SQLite Does Not Use Git
  • I understand you point of view, but honestly it will be good to have possibility to quickly check 'commit successor in a graph view from a phone.". I'm working with quite legacy systems (15-20yo) and sometimes, when I have some ideas about resolving some issues it will be good to quickly check backward and forward histories of commits around to verify something..

    Thats not a dealbraker at all but it will be nice to have.

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    Why SQLite Does Not Use Git
  • Most of the visualization problems are solved by a decent desktop client.

    From article:

    I am told that Git users commonly install third-party graphical viewers for Git, many of which do a better job of showing recent activity on the project. That is great, but these are still more third-party applications that must be installed and managed separately. Many are platform-specific. (One of the better ones, GitUp, only works on Mac, for example.) All require that you first sync your local repository then bring up their graphical interface on your desktop. And even with all that, I still cannot see what I typically want to see without multiple clicks. Checking on project status from a phone while away from the office is not an option.

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    MDN can now automatically lie to people seeking technical information · Issue #9208 · mdn/yari | MDN now providing LLM generated explainer text for code samples
  • I suppose they can add source URL of information, so, you can verify correctness. But then I don't get it why we need lying AI if we can get URL in the first place. So, it will work just like any other good search engine.

    Sorry if I sound salty, but I still don't get why companies put fake AI engines everywhere.
