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Rock Eagle Flag
  • I live in the Netherlands. No one I know owns a gun. Yet I have all the things you list in abundance. Added bonus: lack of school shootings and gun violence.

    Your propaganda argument is nothing but you sticking your head in the sand. That, or you are a successful troll.

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    non vegan pizza time
  • Also, who says vegans don't support these ventures and call people murderers at the same time. We can have both.

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    Pills (Take Two)
  • Or just ask what stock is going to raise the hardest and ask when is the best moment to sell if you have 2 questions

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    Astronomers are on the Hunt for Dyson Spheres
  • Well if we find one we have proof of advanced life elsewhere in the universe. That's the most important thing. Reaching out will take millions of years.

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    Endless torment
  • We're talking about ghosts here, we don't know what laws they follow. That said, either you are right or they would be miles far from earth before being able to finish that first sentence.

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    The French aristocrat who understood evolution 100 years before Darwin – and even worried about climate change
  • It's funny, because yet again you find yourself in the position to define who is and is not an atheist. Hey guys we don't need a dictionary to dictate how I personally define my beliefs, just ask this guy.

    Again, no answers, just reflections

    *Edit, I'm sorry my bad, there was a response in there. Good that you know History. So you have plenty of examples of religion being abused by people to do evil. So now you're asking me for examples, except this whole thing started with an example straight out of the box.

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    The French aristocrat who understood evolution 100 years before Darwin – and even worried about climate change
  • No, like how you get to decide what an atheist is. And here's a new one: can you make one singular response without any assumptions? Or have you read a history book anywhere in your life?

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    The French aristocrat who understood evolution 100 years before Darwin – and even worried about climate change
  • As I said, you haven't actually given an answer to any of my questions yet you somehow want me to respond to some incident that happened to some singular individual 2000 years ago that you read in this singular book of fiction that you happen to believe in.

    So no, no comment on that, I for sure care less about that then you care about downvotes.

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    The French aristocrat who understood evolution 100 years before Darwin – and even worried about climate change
  • Yeah keep jerking yourself, all you do is prove the point of the post. You're so blinded by trying to be the smart cookie here you forget to actually participate in the discussion.

    It has been fun though, you're good at reflecting.

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    The French aristocrat who understood evolution 100 years before Darwin – and even worried about climate change
  • How about you answer my question first. Who are you to decide what it means to be an atheist.

    And if you really need examples of that you should read up on human history before you continue any aspect of this discussion.

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    The French aristocrat who understood evolution 100 years before Darwin – and even worried about climate change
  • They are not blaming a god, they are blaming peoples reason for doing horrible things. There's lots of them, but claiming it's something god wants has historically been one of the more common ones.

    Their phrasing must have confused you, but as seen in all the downvotes you received it's a commonly used way of saying this.

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    The French aristocrat who understood evolution 100 years before Darwin – and even worried about climate change
  • Why not? Give me a reason atheists can't get frustrated about religion holding back society in the past? Are you the one to define what an atheist is? Judging by your comments I'd argue you should be the last to do that.
