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Budget setup
  • I found the g85 used for around $320 and multiple fast lenses for around 200 each. I really didn't find a good APS-C at that price point. I am fine with a older DLSR, but I would prefer a mirrorless. If they also work for astrophotography. I mainly see people using mirrored cameras..., is there a reason?

  • I am thinking about buying a camera, but not exclusively for astrophotography. Since this will be my first own camera, I don't want to spend too much money. For that reason, I looked mainly for Micro four thirds, specifically the lumix g85. I dont know what category of ap I will like the most/focus on, but until now I only tried deep space with a relatives camera. I know I probably wont be able to get images like most in this community, but I want to know your experiences. How far can I get with stacking? What should I look out for in Bodies and lenses?

    Where and how to get books?
  • What kind of e-Reader. I only know about kindle, but I imagine it is not easy to get my on downloaded books on there. Also, the new ones are a bit to expensive for my price range.

  • I want to download books and read them on the go. First, where can I get books? I know about libgen, but I rarely find anything I want. Second, where can I read them on the go. I like the concept of e-ink. It doesn’t strain the eyes as much. Are there good cheap tablets I can load my books onto?


    I used to just put my stuff into the little pockets in my bag, but have since switched to sort of a pouch which was designed for a phone, but fits everything I need. But where do you put your stuff if you don’t have a bag to put the pouch in? I envy woman for being able to walk around with a bag the size of a phone without looking stupid. Do you always carry a backpack? Or do you put your stuff somewhere else?


    Something not too many people have, but you really like. Not like a flashlight or a knife/multitool. My most unique (although still popular) are probably my loop quiet ear plugs. They come in handy in a lot of cases and word really well.
