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  • Nope. Don't care. I'm a scientific realist. 99.999% of the time I educate myself on matters such as these if I am misinformed, and change my stance promptly based on new information.

    But not in this case.

    Fuck this meme, fuck this info, and fuck wasps.

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  • So uh, when you boarding with me? Rent is 50 homemade Oreos per month, 55 and I'll include my German shepherd and kitty Kat snuggles.

    Edit: my pup is hiding bc she dislikes thunder

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    Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos
  • I'd hardly call what I said making fun of him. If you're that sensitive though, like I said - go off. You won't hurt my feelings fella.

    There's nothing wrong with me saying what I said in my original comment. It was lighthearted poking. That's all.

    Mr serious decided to jump in with the 99 rules of gun safety that I'm an idiot for not nodding along solemnly to.

    Why wouldn't I jab back? If I were trying to be rude I would have been rude. lol.

    You should take my previous advice and chill. It's not that serious - once again.

    You're clearly the dull one here.

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  • Understood I'm asking for sourcing I know the risks etc, I'm not on other medications and I've been prescribed benzos in the past. I have taken them a few times recently and they're one of few things that help, and while I'd much prefer a muscle relaxant of the Soma variety.. it's not likely to be easy to find.

    I've weighed risks etc, and I'm just asking if sourcing is allowed here or if anyone might know where it would be. Tia.

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    Picture this
  • You're already paying for the streaming service. They don't benefit off of giving you what you want in that scenario

  • sourcing

    Is it allowed? If not publicly can anyone dm me? I have serious medical issue that I'm awaiting surgery for and could use a very specific muscle relaxer or benzodiazepines. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Soma/Carisoprodol - what’s the best way to take it? I think I have tried different ways, i.e; slowly building it up OR hitting it harder at the start - it seems to be unreliable.
  • I'm not sure about your question, but I have one.. where the hell do I find some. I know there has to be some method on the dark web or something I can use to order drugs, and at this point I'm willing to try, because I'm in a LOT of pain waiting for surgery and I don't care anymore.

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    is this even active?
  • General consensus from both your comments taken with grains of salt etc is that my mom is doing the right thing and that's all there is to be done. Narcissism is an insanely complicated thing especially in your own family. 😩

    Getting away from a narcissistic ex is one thing, at least you can get away.

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    Another valuable life lesson from Elmo and friends!
  • So the point you kept missing I'll throw you a bone man.

    Someone can afford the home you're in. This "strategy" is only effective if everyone's on board. Otherwise a new family will be in there on the heels of your feet.

  • is this even active?

    Hello, new here.. serious advice needed

    So my sister is a textbook narcissist. I don't know when we (the family) realized it. But at some point it became abundantly clear.

    Not to get into too many details, I'll get into this specific situation I need advice on.

    She was living with my mom, after a breakup, with her 4 children. She found a new man, and moved in with him. On the way out she got into a fight with my mom's husband, our stepdad of two decades.

    She blamed my mother for the fight. She kept her kids from my mother and the entire family for over a year while this guy and her lived together.

    Now, finally, they broke up. As I knew would happen, she immediately reached out to my mom as if nothing happened and started asking her to babysit. Because she needed someone, all that didn't matter. No apologies, no nothing.

    Now she's involved in DCFS etc but that's another story.

    For example tonight, she's asking her to watch them while she goes and hangs out with some dude.

    My mom thinks that just giving in and doing whatever she wants is best because it means she gets to see the kids.

    I hate the idea of her not standing her ground though I understand her feelings.

    Is there a way to genuinely get some upper ground here on my mother's end? Should she take a stand and try to force some humility now, while she has something my narcissist sister needs? (Childcare)

    Or should she just keep bending over backwards at the drop of a dime every time she calls needing a sitter?

    Please help. I'm at my wits end here.


    One of my posts was up for a while and was getting comments/interactions etc, and everything was fine - but now there is a gavel icon next to it and it doesn't show up in my "about" post history. Did I do something wrong or?


    hey yall

    What'd y'all think of the debate?


    Editing after time to think everything through. No idea where it came from. Prolly never will know. Works well for my Xbox and TV though, less bending over when I switch rooms etc.

    I've decided some things just can't be explained and trust wouldn't be worth anything if it was easy all the time. Thanks for everyone who took the time to respond to this and the other messed up posts - even the one guy who is apparently my secret psychologist and knows me better than I know myself!

    Enjoy, mates!


    Reposting this because I was out of it this morning thanks to a muscle relaxant doc gave me that I took last night - clearly was still out of it when I typed it out originally. Thanks to those who originally commented. So the general situation is this:

    • she cheated years ago at valentines day party, was bad alcoholic at time and made out with some dude. Had to find out on my own through chance pretty much, trickle thruthd me after that.

    • has not since, that I know of, and genuinely seems to care about relationship. Also never drinks anymore at all.

    • still have somewhat toxic behaviors we are both working on. We lived together for 2 years but recently moved out and back into respective parents houses due to ongoing foot injury, with me not being able to work and thus we couldn't afford bills

    • decided to stay together and spend every other weekend at hotel for alone time, see each other about 4-5x per week and sex 1-2 times.

    • Used her car to move last of my stuff to my parents, and I never bought it at the old house.. she says she may hAve but can't find receipt and isn't the type to buy something like this regardless.

    • Yesterday found a 50-80bdollar surge strip protector in her car in box, no sticker with address, and we both asked our families - no one knew where it was from.

    Am I wrong to assume she may have had someone else in there and he left it in there on accident?

    If I am missing details anyone feel free to ask.

    Basically what I'm struggling with here is where the hell this thing could have come from since it wasn't in her car a couple weeks ago and no one seems to know where it came from including her


    Anyone else here because the sub reddit for d4 is toxic afffff?
