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If everyone on this list got to debate, how would you structure the presidential debates?
  • I'd set it up as a death match where they are all dropped into different parts of an island and have to survive with what they can find

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    Violence has no place in politics
  • "Hello I would like to mentally police myself for free so that people who want me dead might think I'm one of the good ones"

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • It's actually more like assembly line work, but with some applied engineering knowledge because you're sometimes needing to solder stuff, correct physical defects and program machines. At one point I was thinking to jump ship and become a licensed electrician, but it's hard to make time to do that without a certain payout.

    My original issue was with the whole " food is cheaper than ever**" * only if you assume that everyone's wages have uniformly gone up 50% in 10 years across the whole country

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • I've worked in electronics assembly for years, and I have a math undergrad. Maybe I could get a masters and teach? but that seems like a lot of investment for dubious payout.

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • It's super cool transitioning so I can get paid less at work (and find it way harder to get hired at jobs I'm actually qualified for) and then told I should educate myself when I complain about it online. Are bootstraps what my landlord uses to raise rent $500/year?

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • I already have several, I'm not working at one of them right now!

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • I am dialing back my posting energy 25%, it's the best I can do until my caffeine wears off.

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • Are my posts that bad that they cause actual pain? I had no idea I was this powerful, sorry.

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • I'm sorry if I've been making you feel attacked, but people use the world broadly so that's how I took your meaning in the original context. I'm not trying to goad you and I'll disengage after this.

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, but I'm just saying my experience has been that if you express any kind of left position which falls outside of liberal media orthodoxy these days you get called a tankie, hence why I took your usage broadly.

    You don't need to accuse me of gaslighting you, just a weird way to have a conversation.

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    Feels like so many tech bubbles are about to burst
  • That's pretty much where I see the ending for a lot of this, there's a wide variety of useful applications, but hard to capitalize on especially for things that are self contained and not phoning home to some server you need to maintain access to for billing purposes

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • I’ll be the first to admit it. I won’t get all “HOW DARE YOU!!!” if you said so.

    If every 3rd-4th politics thread didn't find time for the 2 minutes hate because of the instance someone picked months ago maybe I would be less annoyed about it.

    There's plenty of people who get called tankies" who are fine, and it's just politically illiterate people being melodramatic. People "on the left" can be politically illiterate, and I would say someone putting on the aesthetic of being a leftist while still making room to be chauvinist, misogynistic or transphobic is what I'm more worried about.

    Part of why I push back on people trying to paint with a broad brush in is that people to the left of the Democrats aren't a monolith and the way tankie gets thrown around it treats them as such.

    It's actually surreal to have people expressing antiwar positions get accused of being 'tankies'. Even the word evokes wanting to 'send in the tanks'- yet these are the people saying "maybe we shouldn't be sending tons of military equipment (ie tanks) to fuel a war.

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • I'm just returning energy, you talk shit like this is a high school football rivalry, you get it back

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • Cool, so as long as I'm making at least $30/hour I'm "fine***". 🫠

    (Also my wage would have had to have been $20/hr increased to $30/hr in the span of that chart for your statement to be true)

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • I've yet to interact with anyone on .ml who's straight up pro-trump, unless you're playing the game of "anyone questioning dear leader is working for russia and supporting trump"

    As for pro-russia, I've run into plenty of people who want the US to lose, but that's a world apart from being pro-russia, especially as it is today. It gets conflated that way because election seasons have a way of making people stop seeing nuance.

    Believe me I have plenty of issues with some people on .ml, but this isn't one of them.

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • I mean, I'm scrolling on my feed and I see people talking shit, I respond because why the fuck not? Like I didn't give a shit about before I realized it was apparently some sort of mark of the beast for liberals.

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • The dream 🤩 I'm just posting on lemmy for exposure

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • I guess if I was talking about "all the dumbasses on" and commiserating with others about how "they're not paid, they're just actually that stupid" you would probably take offense too

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    Russia, Iran and China seen ‘ramping up’ effort to divide US voters.
  • You're right I'm not even a tankie
