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Taylor Swift's Kamala Harris Endorsement Took On AI Misinformation
  • Looks like someone is copying the contents of news articles from various sites, but there is no attribution or anything to tell you where it is from. Searching for the title I found the Time article they copied.

    I would treat them with suspicion though. Not sure if they would start sneaking some other stuff in there in a few weeks or months.

  • Colorado teen shot in the face by town councilman after going to home to ask permission to take homecoming photos

    A woman who lives at the home thought trespassers were on her property, authorities said. Her boyfriend was arrested in connection with the shooting.

    164 Biden targets Shein, Temu with new rules to curb alleged 'abuse' of U.S. trade loophole

    Under a new White House rule proposal, Chinese exports subject to U.S. tariffs would no longer be eligible for the de minimis shipping loophole.

    • A new rule proposal from the Biden administration would prohibit products that are subject to U.S.-China tariffs from being eligible for a special customs exemption.

    • The de minimis loophole allows packages with a value of less than $800 to enter the United States with relatively little scrutiny.

    • Officials say a recent explosion in the number of de minimis shipments is due largely to Chinese-linked online retail giants like Shein and Temu.

    Banning Spree?
  • Holy hell! It's over 19 pages long, and that's over the past day. They even went as far as trying to ban admins.

    Edit: it looks like they only tried to ban one admin. I thought I had saw more, but I guess not. But damn, talk about sour grapes.

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  • I remember when this was just a joke on Futurama. Why does life imitate art in the dumbest way possible‽

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  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    Kentucky State Fair winner
  • The artist knew exactly what he was doing, and you gotta admit he did a good job.

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    Father of Georgia school shooting suspect told investigators he purchased gun as holiday present for son, sources say
  • It's a quirk in Georgia's law where cruelty to children and their death gets those charges upgraded to murder 2.

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    When PSAs go too far
  • It's out there. You just have to search for it.

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    Trump Aides Evacuated Offices After Prank Sparked Bugging Fears
  • Sounds like an annoyatron or a clone. A tiny device that randomly beeps with a time interval just long enough to be hard to find and annoying. They've been around for a couple decades.

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    America's Smartest Man Finds Something Interesting
  • Just like the OceanGate Titan.

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    Taco Bell Programming
  • And just like Taco Bell when something goes bad you get to deal with all the diarrhea.

    But seriously, shouldn't this be in ! and not technology?

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    Social anxiety raccoon
  • 7
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    xkcd #2976: Time Traveler Causes of Death
  • Robot raptors

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    Republican ex-Rep. Adam Kinzinger: Trump 'suffocated the soul of' the GOP
  • I don't know if there is a polite way of putting this, but 3rd parties are a bit crazy. It's not that 3rd parties are inherently bad, but we're a first past the post system. 3rd parties tend to act as spoilers to whichever party they are closer to. Until the spoiler effect is fixed, you have to be a little crazy to run as a 3rd party candidate.

    And like you mentioned, ranked choice is one of the options to making 3rd parties viable. But the leadership for the democrats is luke warm on it and republicans are actively working against it. It's going to take a bipartisan grassroots effort to drag these curmudgeons into a better system.

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    Thanksgiving food is overrated
  • I disagree with that. I've taken the cheap chinese noodles with the nasty sauce packet and have turned that into good food by adding fresh veggies and a little bit of meat. Any food can be good food, but it takes time, creativity, and effort.

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    Thanksgiving food is overrated
  • Turkey is a bit of a problem because the birds have been bred to have giant breasts and can't even reproduce on their own. You pretty much have to dry brine them to get decent flavor. To always get a moist bird, use a meat thermometer. Also, go for the dark meat. It's always better than the light meat.

    Fresh cranberry sauce is awesome. Keyword being fresh. It's just cranberries, sugar, and little bit of water that you cook down for about 10-20 minutes. Make it the night before then spread that on some fresh cornbread.

    Stuffing depends on the aromatics. Add some sauted onion and celery then some mushrooms or cooked italian sausage. And one more thing: cook the bread in a lot of butter.

    Pumpkin pie tends to be on the dense side and pumpkin by itself doesn't have much flavor. Most of what we think of as pumpkin pie flavor comes from the spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, and a tiny bit of ground ginger. Homemade is better, but a lot of work. It requires roasting pumpkin, making the pie crust from scratch, and then essentially making a pumpkin custard for the filling. Worth doing at least once. It comes out nice and light instead of dense like the canned and premade stuff.

    Casserole is always hit or miss. Aunt Caroline's recipe is either good or a nightmare.

    Mash potatoes, it depends on how you dress them up. You can rice them with some cream and butter to make them nice and smooth. Or use red potatoes for something more rustic along with some cheddar cheese or bacon.

    I've never heard of mac and cheese for thanksgiving. There are so many better dishes that can be made. Who's cooking your thanksgiving dinner? Do they even know how to cook? And where's the gravy? You can make a nice rich gravy from the turkey drippings.

  • That book is poison: Even more Victorian covers found to contain toxic dyes

    Old books with toxic dyes may be in universities, public libraries, private collections.

    Donald Trump Falsely Claims Taylor Swift’s Endorsement with Garbage AI-Generated Posts
  • Always is. Accuse your enemies of that which you are guilty of.

  • What would happen inside an electromechanical central office if you left your phone off hook?

    From the channel Connections Museum


    AMD is warning about a high-severity CPU vulnerability named SinkClose that impacts multiple generations of its EPYC, Ryzen, and Threadripper processors. The vulnerability allows attackers with Kernel-level (Ring 0) privileges to gain Ring -2 privileges and install malware that becomes nearly undetectable.

    Tracked as CVE-2023-31315 and rated of high severity (CVSS score: 7.5), the flaw was discovered by IOActive Enrique Nissim and Krzysztof Okupski, who named privilege elevation attack 'Sinkclose.'

    Full details about the attack will be presented by the researchers at tomorrow in a DefCon talk titled "AMD Sinkclose: Universal Ring-2 Privilege Escalation."

    20 31% of Republicans say vaccines are more dangerous than diseases they prevent

    The partisan divide on vaccine falsehoods threatens the health of children nationwide.

    Public sentiment on the importance of safe, lifesaving childhood vaccines has significantly declined in the US since the pandemic—which appears to be solely due to a nosedive in support from people who are Republican or those who lean Republican, according to new polling data from Gallup.

    In 2019, 52 percent of Republican-aligned Americans said it was "extremely important" for parents to get their children vaccinated. Now, that figure is 26 percent, falling by half in just five years. In comparison, 63 percent of Democrats and Democratic leaners said it was "extremely important" this year, down slightly from 67 percent in 2019.

    https:// /sections/goats-and-soda/2024/07/17/nx-s1-5036441/mpox-vaccines-south-africa-democratic-republic-of-congo

    Last week, the World Health Organization called attention to an mpox outbreak in South Africa. Officials there confirmed 20 cases between May 8 and July 2, with 18 hospitalizations and three deaths.

    Another concern is the Democratic Republic of Congo, where an outbreak that began last year has been accelerating — and where the variant is dramatically deadlier than the mpox strain of 2022. About 6% of people who get this type of mpox are dying from it — compared to a 0.2% death rate for the 2022 strain. Most of the deaths in the DRC outbreak are among children.

    1 Baltic countries notify Russia and Belarus they will exit the Moscow-controlled electricity grid

    The electricity grid operators of the three Baltic countries on Tuesday officially notified Russia and Belarus that they will exit a 2001 agreement that has kept Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania connected to an electricity transmission system controlled by Moscow.

    The electricity grid operators of the three Baltic countries on Tuesday officially notified Russia and Belarus that they will exit a 2001 agreement that has kept Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania connected to an electricity transmission system controlled by Moscow.

    https:// /sections/health-shots/2024/05/13/1250555639/kids-eyesight-myopia-near-sighted-nearsightedness-outdoor-play

    If you're a parent struggling to get your kids' off their devices and outdoors to play, here's another reason to keep trying: Spending at least two hours outside each day is one of the most important things your kids can do to protect their eyesight.

    "We think that outdoor time is the best form of prevention for nearsightedness," says Dr. Noha Ekdawi, a pediatric ophthalmologist in Wheaton, Ill.

    And that's important, because the number of kids with nearsightedness – or myopia – has been growing rapidly in the U.S., and in many other parts of the world.


    Wu convinced his son's elementary school to increase outdoor time. He also recruited a control school. A year later, his son's school had half as many new myopia cases as the other school. "We saw the results – they were very successful," Wu says.

    He did more research, at more schools, and eventually convinced Taiwan's Ministry of Education to encourage all primary schools to send students out doors for at least 2 hours a day, every day. The program launched in September 2010. And after decades of trending upward, the rate of myopia among Taiwan's elementary school students began falling – from an all-time high of 50% in 2011 down to 45.1% by 2015. It's a major achievement, says Ian Morgan.

    https:// /2024/03/28/1239650727/chevron-fossil-fuel-richmond-standard-california-news

    Open flames shot upward from four smokestacks at the Chevron refinery on the western edge of Richmond, Calif. Soon, black smoke blanketed the sky.

    News spread quickly that day last November, but by word of mouth, says Denny Khamphanthong, a 29-year-old Richmond resident. "We don't know the full story, but we know that you shouldn't breathe in the air or be outside for that matter," Khamphanthong says now. "It would be nice to have an actual news outlet that would actually go out there and figure it out themselves."

    The city's primary local news source, The Richmond Standard, didn't cover the flare. Nor had it reported on a 2021 Chevron refinery pipeline rupture that dumped nearly 800 gallons of diesel fuel into San Francisco Bay.

    Chevron is the city's largest employer, largest taxpayer and largest polluter. Yet when it comes to writing about Chevron, The Richmond Standard consistently toes the company line.

    And there's a reason for that: Chevron owns The Richmond Standard.

    11 Don’t use these six cinnamon products, FDA warns after concerning lead tests

    The FDA is putting manufacturers on notice to do more to keep contaminants out.

    Six different ground cinnamon products sold at retailers including Save A Lot, Dollar Tree, and Family Dollar contain elevated levels of lead and should be recalled and thrown away immediately, the US Food and Drug Administration announced Wednesday.

    The brands are La Fiesta, Marcum, MK, Swad, Supreme Tradition, and El Chilar, and the products are sold in plastic spice bottles or in bags at various retailers. The FDA has contacted the manufacturers to urge them to issue voluntary recalls, though it has not been able to reach one of the firms, MTCI, which distributes the MK-branded cinnamon.


    For example:

    • When you open a fresh jar of peanut butter do you only work through one side until it is completely empty then start on the other side?

    • Or when you get those shallow tubs of hummus does it have to make it back home undisturbed? Then one of the baggers at the grocery store shoves it sideways into the bag completely ruining the symmetry.

    279 Why children are still playing tackle football, despite brain risks

    Tackle football offers children as young as 5 the chance to make friends, learn teamwork and maybe win a college scholarship.

    Many are opting out. Participation in youth tackle football has been declining for years. But especially in communities of color, tackle football’s lure remains strong and the balance tips toward opportunity, a four-month investigation by The Shirley Povich Center for Sports Journalism and the Howard Center for Investigative Journalism at the University of Maryland has found.


    Last year, the Boston University CTE Center released a study that said the developing brains of children are at risk for damage from repeated impacts to the head and brain that have been associated with impulsive behaviors and cognitive problems.

    The study notes that children who start playing tackle football at an early age or participate in the sport for more than 11 years run an increased risk of such impairment.

    26 Deaths reported after small plane crashes into Florida mobile home park

    Multiple mobile homes caught fire after the single-engine plane, whose pilot had reported engine failure, crashed in Clearwater, officials said.

    https:// /news/nation-world/national/article284302193.html

    A Michigan man was arrested for planning to bomb The Satanic Temple headquarters in Salem, Massachusetts, police said.

    Luke Isaac Terpstra, 30, of Grant, Michigan was arrested on Jan. 2 by Grant police, according to a Jan. 12 news release from the Salem Police Department. Terpstra is charged with possession of bombs with unlawful intent.

    Michigan law enforcement were tipped off about Terpstra’s plan by his mother, WZZM reported citing court documents.

    19 A Florida hotel cancels a Muslim conference, citing security concerns after receiving protest calls

    A South Florida Marriott Hotel canceled a Muslim group’s conference at the last minute after a protest group claimed the coalition was promoting Hamas, terrorism and antisemitism.

    A South Florida Marriott Hotel canceled a Muslim group’s conference at the last minute after a protest group claimed the coalition was promoting Hamas, terrorism and antisemitism.

    The South Florida Muslim Federation, a coalition of about 30 mosques and Islamic groups, said Friday that it was told by the Marriott Coral Springs Hotel and Convention Center that its conference was being canceled because of security concerns after it received 100 calls demanding it bars the group. This weekend’s second annual conference was expected to draw more than a thousand people.

    Kakli said that even before Marriott raised security concerns, his group hired Coral Springs police officers and private guards for protection. He said he told Marriott that the federation would hire more, but was rebuffed.

    Kakli denied that he or his group supports terrorism or antisemitism. He said those accusations are often made against Muslims who criticize Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and its treatment of Gaza to strip them and their arguments of legitimacy.

    37 11th Circuit rebukes DeSantis, orders a new trial for suspended prosecutor Warren - Florida Phoenix

    Suspended prosecutor Andrew Warren will get a second chance to reverse his suspension by Gov. Ron DeSantis for alleged “neglect of duty” and “incompetence” following a federal appeals court ruling in which a three-judge panel criticized the governor’s action. A federal judge in Tallahassee ruled in ...

    cross-posted from:

    > “The First Amendment is an inconvenient thing. It protects expression that some find wrongheaded, or offensive, or even ridiculous,” Newsom wrote in a concurring opinion. > > “But for the same reason that the government can’t muzzle so-called ‘conservative’ speech under the guise of preventing on campus ‘harassment,’ the state can’t exercise its coercive power to censor so-called ‘woke’ speech with which it disagrees. What’s good for mine is (whether I like it or not) good for thine.” > > \[...] > > The Eleventh Circuit opinion goes into depth about the rights of elected officials like Warren to engage in political speech, even if it runs counter to what the governor thinks. > > DeSantis argued he was entitled to punish Warren because the prosecutor had acted as a government employee. The Eleventh Circuit, however, concluded it “seems suspect” to apply a U.S. Supreme Court precedent allowing such punishment for rank-and-file state workers to an elected official. > > A different U.S. Supreme Court ruling noted that elected office holders enjoy the right “to enter the field of political controversy,” Pryor continued. Also, that “[t]he role that elected officials play in our society makes it all the more imperative that they be allowed freely to express themselves.” > > “Warren’s speech occurred outside the workplace, and he never distributed the advocacy statements inside the workplace or included them in internal materials or training sessions. He employed no workplace resources and never marshaled the statements through his process for creating policies. Neither statement referenced any Florida law that would go unenforced,” the court said.
