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What was the conversation surrounding drugs and sex like in your home growing up?
  • Neither sex nor drugs were ever least not by my parents.

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    What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • I think the larger issue is that the blood supply is for profit in the US. Everyone is getting exploited, including the people that require the transfusion.

    I donate regularly in Canada and give it away for free as does everyone else. I don't donate plasma because it's not especially useful with my blood type (AB+ is universal for plasma, O- for other products).

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    Liz Cheney blocked January 6 scrutiny of Ginni Thomas, book says
  • I'm pretty sure it was a quail/dove shoot. It stood out for me because there aren't many parts of the country where dove hunting is a thing. But Texas? You bet!

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    As it should be
  • Don't make me tap the overlay.

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    US libs be like
  • мне or OP?

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    how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do?
  • This is true for every regulated profession. It's not exceptional.

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    US libs be like
  • да, брат! продолжай в том же духе!

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    US libs be like
  • молодец, товарищ! демократы будут сбиты с толку твоей умной метафорой!

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    NFL has first legal 12-men-on-field play in league history
  • You wouldn't believe it, but it's all true. The field is 110 yards long and 65 yards wide. The endzones are deeep. You can run an entire route in the endzone. The players are much smaller because of the need for mobility around the larger field. Would recommend.

    Edited: a word.

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    Anon uses a phone book
  • You should have seen the internet before 1993 lol.

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    Anon uses a phone book
  • I was a post-doc during this period. I had a mobile phone but data was eyebleedingly expensive, and there wasn't much to do on mobile. Most companies had a minimal web presence and very little directed towards mobile. I drove across the US in 2009 and even then it was better to use the information preloaded on my Garmin than the mobile web.

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    NFL has first legal 12-men-on-field play in league history
  • Just watch Canadian football bro. 12 players on the field for all 3 downs.

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    Anon uses a phone book
  • This was a unique point in time when people had cell phones but had to carry a phonebook because there was no mobile internet. Some time between 1992 and 2005?

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    Navy commander relieved of duty after photo showed him firing rifle with scope backward
  • I'm not a marksman by any means, but shouldn't the buttstock be in the pocket of his shoulder? It looks like the recoil from the next shot will send that thing flying backwards

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    Looks like someone super smart figured out the Starliner noise
  • Not going to Xitter. Can someone summarize?

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    This company sells real human skulls. It claims all of its skulls are ethically sourced. How do you ethically source a human skull for sale to a random buyer?
  • Are they any better off with it? I don't the current rates but it used to be around a few pounds of rice. It's desperation rates for desperate people.

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    Any ideas?
  • I don't disagree with what you're saying. But learning to tune a plane takes skill and time. People get into woodworking because they want to build things out of wood. The love of adjusting tools comes later.

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    Any ideas?
  • It must have some decent machine heads to hold tune. Did you buy it used?

  • The US 2nd circuit has ruled that auditors opinions aren't relevant in cases of investor fraud because the statements are too vague for people to rely on. Whut?

    Wall Street Journal article here for those who have access.

    Here is a professor's blog entry for a barrier free commentary on the importance of the case.


    I was thinking about this after listening to Marc Andreassen blather on about how he doesn't trust government as a repository of trusted keys and other functions. He advocates for private companies to perform critical functions. Standard libertarian stuff in many respects.

    The problem of course is that corporations lack accountability. They can shift terms and conditions or corporate purpose and there is little meaningful recourse except to stop using them. I can think of small examples that don't widely resonate (Mountain Equipment Co-op I'm thinking of you 🤬) but are there big examples that I'm missing?


    I am finally going to join the '90s and set up a blog. The audience is mostly students to show how the academic stuff blends with real world professional practice. I'm an adjunct so I have a foot in both worlds.

    I have my domain names (parked for years) and free webhosting through my university - but the university doesn't provide any development tools. All of the recommended tools I've run across (weebly, wix, webflow etc.) either want to host the page, manage the domain name, or require a fee to link the page to my host. I'm simply looking for a low cost site builder where I can edit my files and move them to my webspace.

    Any recommendations for a WSYWIG style editor? I'd be happy to not have to learn any actual coding, but will if I have to.

    The last time I did any of this I was manually tagging static pages in notepad (lol).
