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The Daily Checkin for Wednesday July 17th - Just For Today, We are NOT Drinking!!!
  • i blew it gang sorry, day 19 have to reset. im not in control of my money and I saw an opportunity to sell something valuable to me for beer money. devasted. but it's not the end of the world. see you tomorrow for day 1

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    The Daily Checkin for Friday July 12th - Just for Today, We are NOT Drinking!
  • bit late buddy haha happy friday. im about 2hrs away from 2 weeks which is great cause fridays are a bit of a trigger but I get to think oh hey another week down

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    The Daily Checkin for Tuesday July 2nd - Just for Today, We are NOT Drinking!!
  • IM BACK. for good this time.

    -trigger warning-too many to count last friday i drank 30 beers and 3/4 bottle of scotch, was generally belligerent and self injuring so the ambulance was called, I got restrained and woke up in a padded room still smashed punching the glass and screaming, crashed again and woke up in mhicu, mental health intensive care unit, sober now and realising where I was, I was on best behaviour.

    place sucks. no telly, no books no radio, fights every few hours, super heavy furniture, big frownie face on the wall written in blood. I literally sat and watched the clock for over 9hrs during the 3.5 days.

    ive got an AA meeting in 3hrs. IWNDWYT

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    The Daily Checkin for Sunday April 28th - Just for Today, We are NOT Drinking!
  • 13 days. big anxiety and depression, too many coffee and cigarettes. supposed to be at work where I'll be surrounded by a couple hundred thousand litres of wine in tanks and barrels, plus i manage the warehouse where there's about 250,000 bottles of finished product. have to pass a breathalyzer at start and end of shift.

    sounds like a dangerous place for an alcoholic to work but i can't stand the stuff. wouldn't last long in a brewery.
