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8 September 2024
  • He's bald and used his pubes as a toupee is my guess. I'm not sure if there really much to get, just weird and absurd humor

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  • I think its a valid example though. Sometimes poor people can save up to go out once and splurge on lobster. People tend to post the highlights of their lives on social media. I think the point here is to not buy into it so much

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    RuneScape is increasing their membership price by 50%, and Reddit is trying to censor it
  • I think the worst thing about their subscription price is that it is very close to the same price as WoW or FF14, but with runescape you can only have 1 character. If you enjoyed a quest or lower level content, you have to create a new account with its own subscription. If you want to try an Ironman or hardcore character, that's a whole other account and subscription.

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    Animals that use Drugs
  • I was going to recommend the movie this is from, "Animals are Beautiful People"! It's an older Disney produced documentary from the 70s I think. They put a comedic twist on the narraration and add plenty of cartoon sound affects throughout the film

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    shitty little snowflake has to be special, can't just act normal like everyone else
  • Some schools will definitely try to get you expelled for that. Luckily mine didn't give a shit, but there are plenty of stories of school faculty threatening children over it

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    Subscription fatigue: when will enough be enough?
  • A sales person was trying to sell me a timeshare with the ol "only the cost of a cup of coffee per day" tactic. The conversation got real awkward when I told them I couldn't afford a cup of coffee everyday

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    Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before
  • I may have to try it again some day. I thought the story and world was interesting and engaging. I played without guides and despite trying to explore and do everything while following the main story line, I soon found myself extremely underleveled to enemies. I thought it was hilarious that each person in the game is assigned a color based on their role in the colony so sometimes you meet someone who is introduced a being "a black"

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    Please stop making Alien movies
  • Why have we spent the past 45 years – which is longer than I’ve been alive – making seven different versions of the same film?

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    Please stop making Alien movies
  • I don't think anyone was saying that just because one person enjoyed the movie then everyone else has to. Someone just made the comment that they enjoyed it, despite what the author of the article says and then you compared them to a baby that enjoys the sound of keys. I'm not even saying that anyone has to be inspired by the movie. Sometimes you can just enjoy something for what it is and then move on when it's over.

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    Please stop making Alien movies
  • This is a post made about a movie, which is just one example of entertainment. If someone is successfully entertained by said movie, what about that is sad to you? What more are you looking for?

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    Why I Prefer Minetest To Minecraft - YouTube
  • When I create a world for the first time it might take a couple minutes, but after the initial creation it's really quick to load up a game

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    What's a phrase you hear a lot, but disagree with?
  • I always assumed that's what the saying was alluding to? That of you're unsure about something, then you should weigh both the pros and cons and use what you learned to make a decision. At least that's how I've always thought of it

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    What's a phrase you hear a lot, but disagree with?
  • Some things are truly just up to personal preference. "Agree to disagree" is a perfectly valid thing to say when discussing how to cook a steak in my opinion.
