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Dear iPhone users:
  • This but unironically. Can’t remember one time when I needed or even thought about using a cable in my iPhone tenure.

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    Dear iPhone users:
  • Yes but 99.9% of users don’t care about any of that, that’s what others were saying in this conversation.

    Just to bring my personal pov: I’m a tech guy and I couldn’t care less about any of those features. My phone is an appliance like my dishwasher, i only need it to do well the few things it does for me and the iPhone does them incredibly well. Productivity work and fun is done on real computers. I don’t care if android phones can purr or do somersaults.

    If you like to do complicated stuff on your phone then those things matter to you and you will deem iOS inferior, and that’s fine. But realise you are planets away from the average user.

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    1 September 2024
  • I don’t get the tomato’s joke.. does Roma have any meaning other than gypsy? Or what am I missing here?

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    What to try in a linux distro ?
  • You are technically correct (I know) but I would argue that distros that come with a certain DE usually have their experience built into it. Sure you can install gnome in kde neon but don’t expect anything to work, if it does it’s mostly by accident.

    This is true for distros that cater to “simple” users that want to install and be productive of course, not for those like Debian or arch which cater to users who want to build their own experience.

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    But they love him in the mirror universe.
  • I mean TOS had black people who could work on the bridge and be engineers, not to mention a whole episode on how black/white people are the same as white/black people, what kind of shameless woke debauchery is this smh

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    The Worst TV Show Finales
  • Season 8 is the last season, you watched all of scrubs and you had the beautiful finale (as even the data shows, it’s amazing and my eyes always wet when I rewatch it).

    There is no season 9. There is a spinoff show, called “scrubs med”, which takes place in a med school and has some of the scrubs characters as teachers but they are there just as supporting characters. Somebody in charge of the show decided that for scrubs med to be successful it had to be branded as scrubs “proper”, so the show was released as scrubs, season 9.

    Obviously it tanked. Too bad, because I think it was a nice show after all.

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    Startup Replaces 6 Million Plastic Bags with Prototype Made from Corn Waste That Decomposes in 180 Days - Good News Network
  • I’m sorry for the naivety, maybe there is something cool I’m not catching.

    Haven’t we had biodegradable, compostable “plastic” shopping bags for like 20 years now? What’s the news here?

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    Russian Railway networks facing "imminent collapse": report
  • Ah yes, the third year of imminent Russian collapse.

    Russia is shit at pretty much everything that they do except for their specialties such as war crimes and FAS. They will lose the war and they won’t have a minute of happiness for the next century like they didn’t for the last few.

    Reality is already laughing at them, there is no need to overblow it.
