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63% of Gen Z Would Rather Play Video Games Than Watch a Movie — GamerBlurb
  • Yeah, but some people need to take polygraphs and swear they don't do little things like pirate media or smoke pot. I'm not even kidding. The stupidest little thing will be made a big deal of. It's easier to mostly follow the rules. Mostly.

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    AWS Announcement.
  • The really special part is that Jassy is saying that he wants it to go back to like it was "pre-pandemic". Well, as a techie in Seattle, I can assure you that his new policy is much stricter than it was pre-pandemic. Being able to work from home was pretty lax back in the day, and they weren't tracking your badge-ins.

    Very disingenuous. It's all about the shareholders, real estate investment, and pressure from city and business interests to get wallets back downtown at lunch time.

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    Wouldn't this mean that a majority of patients that need this are unable to buy it? Meaning that there's less customers? Just a thought
  • Oh no, I just looked it up and learned that I get my multi-thousand dollar per month medication for free thanks to a program sponsored by Nestle. I feel dirty. But I also need my medication.

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    Putin encourages Russians to have sex at work amid falling birth rate
  • Well, it's only a very, very recent problem in Japan. They had stagnation for decades. Little to no change in wages, little to no change in prices. In 2011, I was making something like 33,000 USD per year there and living very comfortably with ample savings and what the Japanese considered to be a large apartment. It's a pretty affordable country, aside from travel. Or if you want to live in a fancy place in a desirable big city neighborhood.

    (And yes, I have been to Japan since then and know that things have changed somewhat. It's still cheap compared to the US. Food is so cheap, it's amazing what you can get.)

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    And you get to avoid traffic!
  • It's not even the stress. It's the schedule itself, apparently, that increases risk of both. I would link to a source, but I am tired right now. It's easy enough to look up, though.

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    Self-Immolator Matt Nelson Reportedly Alive
  • I have read that statistically people tend not to. Don't know the truth of it. He'll still be suffering in the meantime.

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    63% of Gen Z Would Rather Play Video Games Than Watch a Movie — GamerBlurb
  • Same. Which is a shame because I could enjoy a silly game where you play soccer in a car. But not the way people play it in real life. Those ultra competitive types have to ruin anything with the littlest bit of competitive dynamic.

    I remember my friends getting me to play LoL when it came out (we were big WoW people who were all very comfortable and good at WoW-style PvP). Didn't stay there long!

  • About 4 years ago, I watched a movie which I enjoyed but can't for the life of me find. It involved a white couple getting lost in deep rural Appalachia and getting taken in by a cult-like small family in the middle of nowhere.

    I don't remember the details very well since it was a few years ago and I watched it pretty late at night. I think it involved the woman being drawn in while the man wasn't, and there being murder (in a shed?), but that could be me mixing different movies up.

    Does anyone know what it might have been?
