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Oopsie, Visual Studio License expired, so the build server stopped working
  • But they promised we could save a ton of money with their monitoring dashboards we won't look at until suddenly we get a bill that is 5x what they promised!

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    Can somebody solve this puzzle?
  • Visa has a hard limit of 8 and requires the first 4 to be numbers because the phone tree might require it as a password

    The whole banking industry is ridiculous and is ridiculously legislated

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    My Job Is to Train Tesla's Cars to Drive Themselves
  • I don't know where you live but there's probably a bunch of call centers in your country with similar policies that are 100% compliant with the law

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    What are your first principles (rules you've developed) in your life?
  • Don't do good things to be good, do them because of how good they make you feel

    Pay attention, it's the little things that make the whole picture when put together

    If you're unsure about doing a certain activity do it anyways. It's better to err than to do nothing and forever wonder what it would had been like if you had

    Most people aren't evil, they just have been formed differently by life itself. Try to understand them before you decide how you feel about them

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    People of lemmy, what was your “oh crap” moment?
  • It was my sister's birthday and I was over her place helping set everything up for the night party and then she said "dad's not picking up the phone"

    I had the gut feeling then and there something had happened and indeed he had had a hearth attack that morning

  • I'm unable to log in through the app, I keep getting this invalid account error despite the fact I'm copy pasting the login info from the one I'm using on this very browser

    Edit: I'm an idiot
